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Kieran, Iain
40K Craig, Jamie McL
M&M William Jamie S, Aragorn, Stew W, Chris G, +...
Magic Stew P, Aiden
Kings of War Ross and Grant if in
Gangs Sci Fi zellak, Howard, Ian W, Walter
Bolt Action? Ian B, Alan B, Keir
Bolt Action:
Gerry, Alan B, Tom, Keir, Rory
Shadowrun DM Ian W
Howard, Walter, zellak, Ross
Aiden, Stew P
M&M role play
Jamie S, Jamie C, William, Chris G, Aragorn, Kevin, Stew W+ ...
Keiran, Iain M, + Jason?
Craig, Jamie McL
Falkirk was a great show.
Rory took part in the painting competition and won!! Have a look at his figure ... http://mcneilpaintingprojects.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/Reaper%20Miniatures
Wappinshaw on 1st June at Glasgow Kelvin Hall!! So if you did not make
Falkirk and Claymore in August in Edinburgh is too far - don't miss it.
AT43 zellak vs Keir / Philson vs Aiden / Mark vs Che
Bolt Action Andy M, Gerry, Ian B, Alan B
X-Wing Jamie S, Kevin J, Stew W, Aragorn, Chris G, William, + ...
40KIain, Jamie McL, Craig, Rory, Keiran, +
AT43 zellak, Ian W
Warmachine Tom, Keir
40 K Iain, Jamie McL, Craig
Saga or board game Ross, Howard + ??
M&M or DC RPG William, Chris, Aragorn, Stew W, +???
Magic the Gathering Curtis, Aiden, Stew P + ???
WWII buildings construction - Alan B
Jamie S, Ian W
Bolt Action Gerry, Alan B, Ian B, zellak
Saga Ross, Howard
40K - Kieran / Rory
Iain, Jamie McL
TBA - M&M, DC RPG, Magic Stewart W, Stewart P, William, Aiden, Curtis, Chris G, Aragorn, Keir etc
Heads up Cannonade - Falkirk convention 11th of May!! A great show well worth the trip if you can make it.
At43 tutorial games
Mark Stewart W V Stewart P zellak Aragorn V Jack B
TBA - Saga?
Alan B, Howard, Ross, Tom
Magic Curtis, Aiden, + others
Heroclix + other games Jason, Chris G, William + others
40K - a few young guys new to club and learning - (looking for a 40 K mentor Jamie McC? or David? Kieran plans to show them the ropes the following week)
Craig, Ian, Jamie
AT43 zellak, Aragorn, Mark, Keir, Stewart W, ...Ian W? Also talk over campaign ideas
Bolt Action Gerry, Keiran, Alan B, Ian B
M&M or other William, Stewart P, Chris G, Curtis, Jason, Aiden,, ... Kevin etc??
Ross, Roddy, Howard
AT43 tutorial with zellak Jack B, Stewart W
Bolt action or other Alan B, Gerry
Magic Aiden, Keir, Curtis
Battle Lore game
Kieran, Rory
Board games Axis and Allies / Spy / or other Ross, Howard, Ian W, .. Mark?
M&M or other William, Jason, Jamie, Chris G, Aragorn
So what are you up to?
Easter break. We are shut.
Have a good one.
See you in a fortnight.
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