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Main » 2020 » March » 22 » Wargames Session 2020
Wargames Session 2020

The club will be closed until further notice.

The Redburn will be used as a Community Hub.

Be safe, and take care.

Bye for now NAWGC.

Views: 1402 | Added by: RMcN | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 19
17 RMcN  
0 Spam
Hi guys,

I hope you are all well. Just to let you know that there is a new gaming cafe that has just opened up in Ayr called Dominion at 135 Main Street. It has 8 6' by 4' terrain tables mainly for 40K, there is at least one for 28mm bolt action, and a couple for Fantasy AoS. There is a specific D&D / role play room, and the garage section at the back has 4 8' by 4' tables. Robert Paterson runs the Boom collectables store across from the Ayr bus station (it has a life size Deadpool figure outside it). Opening Mon to Fri 9am til 2pm then 5.45pm to approx 10pm. Sat 10am to 10pm, Sun 11am to 10pm. Coffee, tea, soft drinks and snacks are able to be purchased, there are a few lounge areas, a drop in model area for building or painting, and a couple of tables for card games or small boardgames.

The Prestwick club will meet there on a Wed night, the Three towns 40K club on a Sat night as both their halls have closed. We are still to hear when ours is opening back up.

Please check it out!!

By for now


18 Morgoth  
Hey Ross ... Can you amend the address, it's 135 Main Street for the Dominion café? 112 is across the street wink ... cool Walts

19 RMcN  
0 Spam
Got the address from the internet. but have fixed. biggrin

14 RMcN  
1 Spam
Hi I hope you are all managing to get through this. Just to let you know Bob was round to the Community centre to check it was still there (our stuff okay) and pick up some terrain.

He says they have been working on the outside - I assume there are BRICK walls up around it now. And that the foyer was being done up. They plan to replace the hall floor. So if and when we go back it is looking good.

Keep safe


15 aletiriel  
1 Spam
I don't suppose there's any news about when we might be allowed to start gaming again ...?

16 Morgoth  
Hey Sarah ... Sadly, the council are being as vague as possible regarding when the club will open...

>>> http://www.northayrshirewargamesclub.co.uk/forum/5-614-1

... so, it could be end of June, this year or next! happy

Z's keeping us up to date when he hears something, so keep an eye on this thread, with the hope it's soon. cool .:. Walts

12 zellak  
1 Spam
I have got an e-mail from the council...i have put it on the forum under "covid 19"

13 Morgoth  
Link to said response: Covid-19 Update - 1st Sept'20

11 zellak  
0 Spam
I have sent an e-mail for an update on the club re-opening to the NAC.

8 RMcN  
1 Spam
Morning, I have been very busy painting 15mm Napoleonic British cavalry - bases still to be finished so no pictures yet. But I have just completed 20mm Austrian Grenadiers, and 28mm French that are completed. Just added the pictures on the website. Please have a look.

Take care. Bye for now.

5 Che  
1 Spam
Hope everyone is still doing OK.

6 zellak  
1 Spam
Still plodding away....... 9th edition 40K is coming out soon.

So reorganising my Emperors Children.......

9 aletiriel  
0 Spam
Oh no - I was only just getting to grips with the 8th Edition! sad
I'll have to invest in some Adeptus Mechanicus to add to my gluing/painting queue ...

10 zellak  
0 Spam
Dont let it worry you, there are very few changes.


7 Morgoth  
Hey Che ... It's all a bit weird only going out once-a-week to get shopping, but I'm using my time to learn old/new boardgames that have been lying about for an age, painting odd batches of models and enjoying a massive backlog of TV & movie classics!

The complete TV series of Callan starts tomorrow! biggrin cool wink

Stay safe everyone! ... Walts

4 aletiriel  
1 Spam
The Steam site seems more active - and there's youtube 'how to' videos too.

1 Che  
1 Spam
See y,all soon!

2 RMcN  
1 Spam
See you later guys. Be safe, and take care. We just need those clever tech wizards to set up multi-video gaming sessions. My wife would be so pleased... NOT!! smile

3 aletiriel  
1 Spam
A friend suggested Tabletop Simulator (https://www.tabletopsimulator.com/). Apparently all the GW stuff is already on there, maybe other stuff as well. Sadly I only have a work computer ...
Keep well!

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