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Painting Guide - Recesses?
MorgothDate: Saturday, 09-Jun-2012, 09:33:00 | Message # 1
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Hi Guys ... I wonder if someone can give me some advice with painting recesses in a model?

At the mo, I'm finishing off some odd scenery I've had lying around forever, so having done the undercoat ...

... I'm not sure how to do the recess of the barrel symbol or boxes?

Any pointers appreciated! ... Walts

"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
p1fxDate: Saturday, 09-Jun-2012, 15:41:29 | Message # 2
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Where did you buy those pieces? As for painting, wash/ink is what I would use.
MorgothDate: Saturday, 09-Jun-2012, 17:35:50 | Message # 3
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Ink/Wash ... mmm, any links or pointers to tutorials? I'm a newbie to painting in general, so haven't tried these techniques yet, thanks!

As too where they came from ... evillllBay, where else!? Let's see if their still about .... yeah ...

>>> http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/150360668848

... but at silly prices. I waited until some came on as bids rather than "Buy Now" bucks. I've painted them about the same style of colours, just need to fill the cracks, ooohhhh, errr misses! wink .... Walts

Added (09-Jun-2012, 5:35 PM)
Here's a quick picture of my latest paint job ...

... I'm having lots of fun painting models biggrin ,not the house walls cry ... Walts

"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
p1fxDate: Saturday, 09-Jun-2012, 17:50:33 | Message # 4
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Inks or washes are easy, you just wash over the object with them and let it dry, it will collect more in recesses and then you just go over the areas you want lighter with the base coat again. Or you could do a darker base coat, and then do a lighter coat over everywhere but the recesses.

I thought you had painted a lot of Tau minis?
MorgothDate: Saturday, 09-Jun-2012, 18:47:32 | Message # 5
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Quote (p1fx)
Inks or washes are easy, you just wash over the object with them and let it dry, it will collect more in recesses and then you just go over the areas you want lighter with the base coat again. Or you could do a darker base coat, and then do a lighter coat over everywhere but the recesses.

Thanks ... I'll try some of that tomorrow!

Quote (p1fx)
I thought you had painted a lot of Tau minis?

Nahhhh ... 99.99% bought off evilBay pre-painted. I've done a few odd models now and again as I'm house-bound with decorating and stuff, but it's been all quick & dirty base & dry-brushing, easy-pezzy-lemon-whatever! ... Walts

"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
p1fxDate: Saturday, 09-Jun-2012, 18:57:19 | Message # 6
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I am not very good at painting myself, I just go for a simple approach and it is probably enough to play with but certainly aint going to win any beauty contests lol, I just undercoat, base coat, then wash (I make my own washes) then touch up base coat again and do all the other little bits. sometimes adding some drybrushing
MorgothDate: Saturday, 09-Jun-2012, 19:13:13 | Message # 7
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Wait a minute ... I did do some washes a while ago ... some trolls ...

>>> http://www.northayrshirewargamesclub.co.uk/forum/24-265-1

... under their arms! Didn't realise that what it's called, but I'm sure it was a wash? I'm still trying to get the termanology right! wacko

Little bit of paint and dabs of water to keep it runny as I applied it too the underarms ... nice & easy. Enjoyed doing those as they're larger models. Looking forward to getting into WarMachine! Those models look biggggg! ... Walts

"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
p1fxDate: Saturday, 09-Jun-2012, 19:19:03 | Message # 8
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Aye that is effectively a wash, a wash is just really thin paint which you literally wash over the model with, it is the same thickness as say watercolour paint. Inks are a bit different and dry a little shiney at times, I add a little ink though to my washes for a bit of depth though.

Added (09-Jun-2012, 7:19 PM)
The wash I am using for my marines is black and burnt umber paint with a little black and brown inks and lots of water. for a black wash I just make the same thing but with a touch of blue paint and blue ink instaed of the brown.

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