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Mr Brown, Mr Red & Mr Yellow!
BalrogDate: Sunday, 20-May-2012, 08:35:02 | Message # 1
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
Hi Guys ... I'd put some final touches to my (Orcs & Goblins) Stone Trolls last night whilst watching Chelsea win the UEFA Champs cup!

One came pre-painted (by AlanB I think? ... Excellent job!) and the other two I'd done from scratch. I painted their trendy rags in dif colours to distinguish them a bit, so say hello to Mr Brown, Mr Red & Mr Yellow ...

Having done them, I'd like to thank AlanB for the cork blocks he gave me for tacking the models to something heavy and easy to hold! They make life so much easier!

I'd especially like to thank Ross for his inHouse painting day which gave me the confidence to "bosch on!" with my models and not be such a perfectionist, and the brilliant idea of using Frame Sealant for adding some texture to the bases .... top man!

If I was to have one grip with what I've done, I'd would have liked to have gave the three Trolls some kind of difference? Maybe replaced the stone head with an Empire soldier, or repositioned their arms? Def next time! Just wanted to get them done, and ain't they pretty ... yeah, pretty war ugly! ... Walts
gerrywithaGDate: Sunday, 20-May-2012, 10:12:42 | Message # 2
Major general
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Messages: 251
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Very nice Walts!!! biggrin

And I am watching YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
RMcNDate: Sunday, 20-May-2012, 22:03:28 | Message # 3
Lieutenant colonel
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Messages: 129
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They look great, it is always fantastic to see people take the simple techniques and go off and try their own ideas with new models.

Glad you like the Frame sealant - saves loads of time on bases and so cheap!! Being brown gives the earth colour straight away!!

Can't quite tell with the photo - did you basecoat the flesh then wash? The statue heads look great - did you build up the top surface with dry brushing?

The stain effect on the belly ertainly makes them look dirty evil Trolls - just what you want for an Orc/Goblin army.

Well done wink
BalrogDate: Monday, 21-May-2012, 16:21:43 | Message # 4
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
Hi Ross ... I painted the majority of the model Foundry Storm Green Shade, then washed the front body area with Foundry Drab Light and a final wash of GW Scorched Brown to "mucky" them up a bit! The colours blended well, which gave me a nice overall look. smile

The stone heads where a heavy wash of Foundry Charcoal Black then drybrushed Foundry Artic Grey Shade ... these colours work well for stone effects, as you've seen. Being Stone Trolls, I used the frame sealant to texture one of the bases which came flat, then I added some drybrushing again for the stone effect, with more green grass to make the base seem "natural" ... I think the bases are as important as the rest of it to set the model off, so pleased with the overall look.

I'm enjoying painting these models then reading the O&G codex ... next a couple of Gobin Fanactic's! Or Spider-Riders?! happy ... Walts
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