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General Wargaming Discussions
NAWGC Forum (is being viewed by: 1)
NAWGC Internal forum
210 1579 Friday, 12-May-2023, 11:21:28
Thread: Battlefleet Gothic - T'a...
Posted by: Morgoth
Arranging Games
Looking to plan ahead? Leave some comments here for future games or campaigns and ideas of wargames to play in the upcoming weeks & months!
17 147 Tuesday, 04-Nov-2014, 20:33:03
Thread: Junta
Posted by: zellak
HeroClix is a collectible miniatures game that uses the Clix system!
4 28 Tuesday, 16-Oct-2012, 20:40:19
Thread: Some customs help
Posted by: pavlov
Kings of War by Mantic (is being viewed by: 1)
A mass combat fantasy miniatures game from Mantic Game. From terrifying Undead to elite Elves, KoW is a fast action game with Free Rules written by esteemed author Alessio Cavatore.
15 84 Friday, 01-Sep-2017, 12:08:12
Thread: Arkania 2.0
Posted by: Che
Historical Discussions
Wings of War; Saga/Dux Mil (Dark ages); I ain't been shot mum; X-Wing ... any more historical threads you can think on ... post here!
15 63 Friday, 10-Jul-2015, 15:13:17
Thread: Bolt Action
Posted by: Morgoth
Ebay Bidding Activity
A forum to state if your bidding on any war games items, to try and minimize members bidding on same items and so pushing the cost up.
16 34 Wednesday, 13-May-2015, 23:00:04
Thread: D-Wars
Posted by: zellak

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