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AT-43 - Club, News & Gossip [Archive]
What's happening in the AT-43 Universe!
21 459 Wednesday, 15-May-2013, 11:40:57
Thread: To many AT-43 forums
Posted by: zellak
AT-43 - Frostbite Campaign (2012) [Archive]
The Black Fortresses & Red Fields are the new battlefields for the 2012 Frostbite Campaign ... War ON! Only Da' Umpire can post here, everyone else can view his rulings!
10 0 Sunday, 08-Apr-2012, 12:44:56
Thread: Umpire
Posted by: gerrywithaG
AT-43 Forum [Archive]
"No-one escapes war!" ... Various threads on rules, FAQ's, models and tactics for AT-43.
2 6 Saturday, 01-Dec-2012, 15:19:35
Thread: AT-43: Da' Umpire Protocols?
Posted by: zellak
External NAWGC Forums [Archive]
Heads-Up Warmongers! Due to difficulties with the website forums, an external forum with another ISP is available for club members to use.
1 0 Tuesday, 23-Feb-2010, 19:03:00
Thread: Link 2 External Forums
Posted by: Balrog

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