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gerrywithaGDate: Sunday, 08-Apr-2012, 12:44:56 | Message # 1
Major general
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 251
Reputation: 19
Status: Offline
Hi Gents,

It is with regret that I'm now removing myself from the role of the umpire in the Frostbite campaign.

It would seem that no matter what seems to happen, that players will try to take an interpretation of the rules that suit themselves. I don' t have the time or patience to keep sorting this out.

I asked for topics to be raised with me by PM and that is continually being ignored and I most certainly do not appreciate the rants that have been going on.

If needed I can recommend a good firm of lawyers to resolve the issues for you, but I would add that they don't come cheap.

Good luck in the campaign



And I am watching YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
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