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AT-43 Discussions
AT-43 - General
"No-one escapes war!" ... Various threads on general AT-43 info.
48 489 Monday, 17-Nov-2014, 11:29:46
Thread: AT-43 game on Sunday 16 Nove...
Posted by: Che
AT-43 - Rules, inHouse Rules & FAQs
Any & All rule queries, FAQ', errata & inHouse updates.
50 549 Monday, 09-Jun-2014, 20:27:15
Thread: Maranos rules meeting 10/11/13
Posted by: zellak
AT-43 - Armies
List ur model & troopers here!
23 197 Thursday, 08-May-2014, 23:46:51
Thread: Keirs Libra list
Posted by: zellak
AT-43 - Frostbite Sectors
List ur sector quirks & query's here!
4 55 Friday, 14-Sep-2012, 09:06:10
Thread: The Mine - Red Fields Battle...
Posted by: Che
AKA: AT-43plus ... a forum for a playtesting group to ratify new optional units and rules.
12 196 Thursday, 26-Sep-2013, 16:30:15
Thread: Tau Playtesting
Posted by: Che

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