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Communal bitz box?
kaimarionDate: Saturday, 09-Jul-2011, 18:36:45 | Message # 1
Group: Member
Messages: 32
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Was just thinking to myself there that I have a stupid amount of bitz just sitting about in boxes that have never been touched and probably never will be touched. I'am certain I'am not the only one in this situation so the idea I'am proposing is that we could have an organized communal bitz box at the club full of stuff you might not have any use for but other members may.

So the idea is that members would snip the bitz off of their sprue or if they're metal just put them into the marked plastic boxes(I've got hundreds 120+) so other member could search though and take what they need.
JamieCraftworldMaidenDate: Saturday, 09-Jul-2011, 18:49:09 | Message # 2
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Good idea however i sold my bitz box on ebay for £30 last year, was mostly useless bits anyway
BalrogDate: Sunday, 27-Nov-2011, 00:37:38 | Message # 3
Aun Va III
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Messages: 667
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Hi Guys .... what ever happened to ur "Bitz Box" idea? I'm looking for some bitz to convert odd tau into medics, engineers, etc, so anything that would fit that description would be appreciated! ... Walts ("The Scrounger!")
JamieCraftworldMaidenDate: Monday, 28-Nov-2011, 22:24:26 | Message # 4
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Quote (Balrog)
Hi Guys .... what ever happened to ur "Bitz Box" idea? I'm looking for some bitz to convert odd tau into medics, engineers, etc, so anything that would fit that description would be appreciated! ... Walts ("The Scrounger!")

I agree! Im looking for space Marine bits for my Eldar to chop up
kaimarionDate: Tuesday, 29-Nov-2011, 02:08:02 | Message # 5
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Never got round to organizing the bits, I might have some sorted for Sunday if I remember :p.
BalrogDate: Tuesday, 29-Nov-2011, 23:20:06 | Message # 6
Aun Va III
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Messages: 667
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Quote (JamieCraftworldMaiden)
I agree! Im looking for space Marine bits for my Eldar to chop up

Hi Jamie ... I don't have bitz as such, but I do have some models in general if u want to break them down? I'll bring them along for u to have a nosy on Sunday. I think their badly painted and messy in general, but u can help urself if put to good use.

How are u guys getting on with ur 40k Campaign ... any further with setting something up? Do u still meet up on Monday @ the Bowls club in Kilwinning?

kaimarionDate: Wednesday, 30-Nov-2011, 11:02:16 | Message # 7
Group: Member
Messages: 32
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The 40K campaign is starting this Sunday I think.
Aye we still meet up on the Monday for playing RPGs and sometimes boardgames.
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