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20th February
BalrogDate: Saturday, 03-Dec-2011, 08:14:53 | Message # 21
Aun Va III
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Messages: 667
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Quote (zellak)
Maybe we should call it Gibsonville ?

I don't get that! blink surprised blink fie blink WHY, why, why ... why Gibsonville ... I have to know!!! blink friends blink

zellakDate: Saturday, 03-Dec-2011, 14:23:08 | Message # 22
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Quote (zellak)
The hired guns defend 8 hoods ...Riverside, Richmond, Washington, Airport, The Projects, Chinatown, Shantytown and the Industrial Estate. In the city of Gibsonville.

From a previous post on this thread.

Gibsonville is where my last Shadowrun campaign was set....it is a fictional place.

And a nod to the author William Gibson, if you have not read him....you are missing out.

Have you heard the term information superhighway ? One of his. cool

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
BalrogDate: Saturday, 03-Dec-2011, 14:45:10 | Message # 23
Aun Va III
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Messages: 667
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Quote (zellak)
From a previous post on this thread.

Gibsonville is where my last Shadowrun campaign was set....it is a fictional place.

And a nod to the author William Gibson, if you have not read him....you are missing out.

Have you heard the term information superhighway ? One of his.

Ahhh, Neuromancer (link to "information superhighway" book) .... but I think u should give it a name to reflect the game style ... like Gang Wars ... or something more sciFi punchy! ... sciFi Gang Wars wink Walts
zellakDate: Saturday, 03-Dec-2011, 15:11:20 | Message # 24
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Thanks for the link ...but i have read all his cyberpunk books. tongue

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
BalrogDate: Saturday, 03-Dec-2011, 16:16:26 | Message # 25
Aun Va III
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Messages: 667
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I thought our fellow "stalkers" would be interested in the great man's works, so it's more for them ... and me. I've never read any of his books blink shok blink and to be totalllllyyyy honest, the last good book I read was when I was 16 blink haha blink ... Lord of the Rings!

Reading anything takes a massive effort by me, and I guess it's why I'm a bit crazy about the AT-43 game ... I actually read all the rules for once! yes

Didn't understand them all, but I did read them!!! ... Walts
zellakDate: Saturday, 03-Dec-2011, 18:02:49 | Message # 26
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Ah, i see now.

Thats the difference.....i could not give a rats arse about lurkers. biggrin

Quote (Balrog)
Didn't understand them all, but I did read them!!! ... Walts

The trick is remembering them, not just reading them. tongue

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
BalrogDate: Saturday, 03-Dec-2011, 18:20:19 | Message # 27
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
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Quote (zellak)
The trick is remembering them, not just reading them. :tongue:

... and there in lies my downfall every-time! sad ... Walts
CheDate: Saturday, 03-Dec-2011, 21:47:13 | Message # 28
Lieutenant general
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Quote (Balrog)
the last good book I read was when I was 16 ... Lord of the Rings!

You sad bastard!

Added (03-Dec-2011, 9:44 PM)

Quote (zellak)
Thats the difference.....i could not give a rats arse about lurkers.

This has gone right over my head, as the actress said etc

Added (03-Dec-2011, 9:47 PM)

Quote (zellak)
Ah, i see now.

I think I've grasped what you mean on further reflection wacko .

Wargamers like to paint their privates!!
zellakDate: Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 11:39:40 | Message # 29
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Good game on Sunday....Thanks to all that participated.

We played the deckers wrong at the end.

I had originally thought the deckers would act as fences and get the one -shot stuff like grenades/hp ammo/combat drugs.

We did not do it that way on Sunday.

I now think the deckers will have a different ability (as suggested by Che).

Deckers hack the Matrix.....
they 1) find information......
and 2) allow remote access to installations ( to take down the man)


1) look at 1d3 hidden counters at the start of the game.

2) not sure yet ???? allow a gate to open in a special mission in a future game ?


Any ideas for one-shot items to be found when an alien artifact counter is turned ?

Disposable AT rocket : 2 red dice. unlimited range, small blast template.

Cyberdeck : turns character into a Decker.

Inside information : removes the defending hired guns from the next game ....roll 4+ (1D6) for each HG

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
BalrogDate: Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 14:54:46 | Message # 30
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
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Quote (zellak)
Good game on Sunday....Thanks to all that participated.

No worries ... it was fun for all!

Quote (zellak)
We played the deckers wrong at the end.

What's a "Decker" ... a character someone had?

Quote (zellak)
Any ideas for one-shot items to be found when an alien artifact counter is turned ?

Mmmmm ... lots! Use the old Sci-Fi RPG's and u can't go wrong ...

Forcefield: Allows the user complete defence for that whole round;

Teleport: Anywhere on the gametable;

Chameleon: Makes the user blend into the surrounding environment - can't be seen/shot that round;

Gas Grenade: A gas cloud that floats about the game table - 1dRed - randomly!

Demolition Kit: Blow up a building;

>>> the lists endlesssssssss

Quote (zellak)
Inside information : removes the defending hired guns from the next game ....roll 4+ (1D6) for each HG

I would remove this option ... the HG's add more game time and give the artifacts someone to guard over them, making them harder to get ... "To the victor, the spoils!", but you've got to earn them!

zellakDate: Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 15:23:21 | Message # 31
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Messages: 1596
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Quote (Balrog)
What's a "Decker" ... a character someone had?

Quote (zellak)
Deckers hack the Matrix.....
they 1) find information......
and 2) allow remote access to installations ( to take down the man)

Take a shot in the dark Mr. IT man. tongue

Forcefield and Teleport are to high tech. sad

Chameleon/ Gas Grenade / Demolition Kit>>>>>>>>>>>All look good. happy

Quote (Balrog)

Quote (zellak)
Inside information : removes the defending hired guns from the next game ....roll 4+ (1D6) for each HG

I would remove this option ... the HG's add more game time and give the artifacts someone to guard over them, making them harder to get ... "To the victor, the spoils!", but you've got to earn them!


Exactly....but if only half the hired guns turn up ...then the others are still alive at the end ....and the winner has control of them.

Anyway you dont have time for this thread ....Go and write your RB army lists. moil
Message edited by zellak - Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 15:24:24

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
BalrogDate: Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 17:12:49 | Message # 32
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
Quote (zellak)
Anyway you dont have time for this thread ....Go and write your RB army lists

I know ... but I'm preping my notes for 2nite! One of my new clients is for a friend, who's Mrs'ssss does Tarot readings and wanted a website done ... aka "let's ask Walts ... he doesn't mind giving up his weekends!" angry2

Should I recommend we have the Face-2-Face for the inHouse AT-43 this Sunday?

You should create a thread for ur "Gang Wars" somewhere, to keep it nice & tidy, under a sensible name ... 20th Feb???? Mentaaaaallllll

pavlovDate: Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 17:34:55 | Message # 33
Major general
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who's Mrs'ssss does Tarot readings and wanted a website done

It's ok Walter she's going to know you were messing around on here when she reads the cards biggrin

There is f&*k all cool about 10+ civil engineers running around every battlefield
BalrogDate: Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 17:47:15 | Message # 34
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
Quote (pavlov)

who's Mrs'ssss does Tarot readings and wanted a website done

It's ok Walter she's going to know you were messing around on here when she reads the cards

lololol ... never thought on that! wink ... Walts
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