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Figure Scales, Rules and Periods
gerrywithaGDate: Sunday, 11-Oct-2009, 21:19:59 | Message # 1
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Thought I'd get this one started. Here's a list of what I have and can do

World War II:-
28mm. Rules of Engagement( British Airborne, Germans, Russians, American Infantry, Airborne) Skirmish
20mm. Blitkreig Commander( Romanians, Russians, Germans, Americans). Battalion, Brigade,Regimental
Rapid Fire

15mm. Napoleon's Battles( Russian Army)

Napoleonic Naval:-
1/2400. Trafalgar( Warhammer Historical) ( French, Spanish and British Fleets)
Form Line of Battle ( Ship to ship and Squadron/fleet actions)

American Civil War:-
15mm. Fire and Fury (Large Union and Confederate armies)

28mm Warhammer Ancient Battles( Romans)
15mm Field of Glory( Romans, Greeks/Macedonians)

Warhammer :-
28mm Fantasy ( High Elves, Dwarves)
28mm 40K ( Ultramarines, Black Templars, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Tau, Tyranids, Chaos Marines, Imperial Guard,Necrons)
Epic ( Ultramarines, Eldar)
Battlefleet Gothic ( Imperial, Chaos, Eldar and Necron Fleets)

Lord Of The Rings 28mm ( Rohan, Minas Tirith, Gondor, Dwarves, Orcs, Goblins, )

That's it so far. I'll add as I remember or come across more stuff



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Big-GDate: Sunday, 11-Oct-2009, 21:26:42 | Message # 2
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Excellent idea with this thread, may inspire someone to ask for a game.

i have
28mm Warhammer 40k space marines (Angels of Vengeance)

thats it for now sad

i am growing my collection slowly. one overdraft at a time deal

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zellakDate: Monday, 12-Oct-2009, 17:55:10 | Message # 3
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To GwaG :

I hope all they armies that are listed are painted . tongue

Added (12-Oct-2009, 5:55 Pm)
It is an excellent idea. biggrin

my stuff...

AT-43 Therians (there is a UNA army in the cupboard at the club...any takers ??) 28mm
Flintloque (House rules : Viva Las Diegos !!!) French [elves] Spanish [dark elves]. 28mm

OD&D ( Mentzer 1983 Basic/Expert edition) Drow Campaign. see FFoG 28mm

Fantasy Fields of Glory ...Beastmen army ,mainly DDM's. 28mm

Modern Soviet Motor Rifle Division ( based for Modern Spearhead) 1/300th scale.

Epic 40K ( the best GW product of all time imho ) IG and Chaos.

Hordes of the Things ... 15mm Ratmen, Goblins, Spiders and Lizardmen.

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
gerrywithaGDate: Monday, 12-Oct-2009, 22:04:18 | Message # 4
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Quote (zellak)
I hope all they armies that are listed are painted .

Yes Zellak.

At least one figure in each of these armies is painted!!! tongue tongue tongue

Cheeky sod!!! wink

And I am watching YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
zellakDate: Tuesday, 13-Oct-2009, 19:21:14 | Message # 5
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Quote (Big-G)
i have
28mm Warhammer 40k space marines (Angels of Vengeance)

How many points do you have roughly ? (painted cool ... i know how you Toggers operate tongue )

Are the Angels of Vengeance a homebrew Chapter, i dont remember seeing them ???

Edit... just posted that and remembered that i was not on AT-43 Forum.

On that site , you must not mention other games.

WH40k is known as "The Other Game" or TOG without breaking the rules......................................................though the French are quite lax about enforcing it anyway biggrin

So people who play TOG are Toggers.


Message edited by zellak - Tuesday, 13-Oct-2009, 19:29:35

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
Big-GDate: Wednesday, 14-Oct-2009, 00:12:39 | Message # 6
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i have two assault squad boxed sets, a jump marine chaplain, and a commander (all painted)

thats it.
its bloody expensive
going to get two tac squads next.


My RPG blog
WarlordDate: Tuesday, 20-Oct-2009, 18:41:34 | Message # 7
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BFG imperial and chaos fleets
Warhammer Dark Elves
!5mm Fire and Fury or guns at gettysburg still to base and paint the 28mm
WW2 naval navwar Italien,british,yugoslavian,french,german
40k Nightlords
BLOODBOWL lost count of the number of teams or teams that can be assembled
Big-GDate: Tuesday, 20-Oct-2009, 20:53:36 | Message # 8
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Seriously you have A LOT! of blood bowl figs man

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