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Strontium Dog RPG - It's a Dogs Life!
BalrogDate: Thursday, 16-Sep-2010, 20:41:14 | Message # 1
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
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Hey Dogs!

Sign up for the following adventure ... It's a Dogs Life! ... in the 22nd century, where mutant bounty hunters help police a vicious galaxy of scum, villains and down right bad guys!

Gameplay starts on the 3rd Oct and 3 or 4 players needed for a days RPG game ... Thanks ... Walts

zellakDate: Thursday, 16-Sep-2010, 21:17:52 | Message # 2
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Bring on those pesky bounty hunters.

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
Dead_OneDate: Friday, 17-Sep-2010, 08:07:38 | Message # 3
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I'm in.....
RMcNDate: Friday, 17-Sep-2010, 10:21:37 | Message # 4
Lieutenant colonel
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I should be able to make it.
BalrogDate: Friday, 17-Sep-2010, 12:39:43 | Message # 5
Aun Va III
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Messages: 667
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Quote (RMcN)
I should be able to make it.

Hey Ross, what about Jnr? Off golfing again, show-off that he is!

BalrogDate: Monday, 27-Sep-2010, 09:15:35 | Message # 6
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
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Check out the first SD Agent ... Verpine ...

Background: Living a peaceful life as a child in the deep hills of Surrey outside New London in the hamlet of Verpine, where all mutants where insectoids, he lived happily until Kreelman’s forces wiped them all out. Taking the name of his hometown, Verpine has a deep hatred for all norms now, and has made it his life’s vow to wipe out every last Kreeler off the planet, and the universe!

Verpine is a ruthless killer, usually taking on bounties for humans, enjoying to torment his victims till the last moment, always going for the kills. Using his small spacecraft (called the "Retribution") as a means of transport to and from various warrants, Verpine is a veteran of the Mutant Wars and is as cold for the hunt as his last prey's dead body!


BalrogDate: Monday, 27-Sep-2010, 20:58:14 | Message # 7
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
Hey Dogs!

Check out the second SD Agent to step up to the plate ... Whiphid

Background: Born in the highlands of Scotland, Whiphed has learned to survive in the wilderness with spear & dagger when cast out by the townspeople of New Aberr in his teens, being too hideous a reminder of the Strontium 90 mutations caused after the Great War of 2150. After many years on his own, Whiphed has only the thirst for hunting and killing now, using the agency for his own needs, and what better prey than man himself for the challenge!

Whiphid has a natural hunting ability and can find a needle in a haystack, having a sixth sense for all things ... so look out bounties of the universe! He loves to kill his prey with spear, but uses his heavy blaster as backup for all those awkward jobs.

zellakDate: Monday, 27-Sep-2010, 21:38:24 | Message # 8
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I'm playing Verpine.

Who is Whiphid ?...........Paul ?

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
BalrogDate: Tuesday, 28-Sep-2010, 06:56:24 | Message # 9
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
Quote (zellak)
I'm playing Verpine.
Who is Whiphid ?...........Paul ?

Yeah ... just waiting for Howard to choose ... hopefully he got my PM OK, or has his eMail address changed?! Walts.

zellakDate: Tuesday, 28-Sep-2010, 09:28:13 | Message # 10
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He cant log into this forum.

I will PM you his e-mail address.

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
BalrogDate: Tuesday, 28-Sep-2010, 21:27:59 | Message # 11
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
Third agent for the "Rock Faced Tack" bounty ... Musta the Sorcerer

Background: From a very young age, Musta had know that he was not of Earth. Having been kidnapped by his mother as a baby, she escaped from the planets of the Dark Nebula to hide her son on the Isle of Skye, where his appearance would not bring any suspicion amongst the many mutants. This sect of sorcerers were left an orb and tablet computer which he was given at 8, where it described his father (Karnak Brood – an evil sorcerer of immense power!) and where he came from, The Isle of the Dead!

Under the guidance of the Skye sect, Musta grew quickly and showed a natural talent in all things magical, in the reading of lore and the ability to harness the cosmic powers of the universe ... but there is a deep evil in Musta and not even the good masters of Skye could suppress it, his mere touch enough to drain the life-force from his victim, and with the Orb of Time, well, who knows where this sorcerer will go next?!

BalrogDate: Tuesday, 28-Sep-2010, 21:30:06 | Message # 12
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
... and lastly ... "General" Quarren

Background: Once a general in the Mutant Wars, Quarren has earned the respect of many a mutant with his leadership, battle skills and courage in the face of enemy fire, but great hatred amongst the norms! Born near the great city of Portsmouth, on the southern coastline, Quarren bares the mutations of a squids head and scaly skin.

Quarren gathered this muttly crew together many moons ago when they first entered the Dog House ... A hateful insectoid, a giant furry hunter from the north, and the strangest of all ... an evil sorcerer! Quarren cared not for their stories, only that they needed guidance if they wanted to survive the universe. Each one owes their life to the general one way or the other ... will he call this in too fulfill his own quest of hatred?!

BalrogDate: Monday, 11-Oct-2010, 19:13:02 | Message # 13
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
Hey Guys!

Finally got round to creating the storyline for the SD RPG a week Sunday ago ...

>>> It's a Dogs Life! - Case Closed - Warrant Terminated!

... Check out how the SD Agents done!

Thanks, Walts

zellakDate: Monday, 01-Nov-2010, 21:26:02 | Message # 14
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Reputation: 65
Status: Offline
Nice job on the blog Walter . biggrin

See you are talking about delaying the next SD so we can get some wargaming in, between RPGs.....i think thats a good idea.

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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