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Painting Projects - What are u working on?
MorgothDate: Wednesday, 01-Jul-2015, 21:06:48 | Message # 1
Major general
Group: Administrators
Messages: 284
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Finally getting odd hours here & there to finish off odd painting projects that
have been lying around, with my Bolt Action WW2 Yanks finally done!

Rather than just do a basic flock for the base, I've gone all-out to give these boys a bit of bling. Added some rocks,
bushes & weeds to bring them to life ... looking forward to getting them into the thick of the action ... War ON!

What's on ur table!? ... Walts
Message edited by Morgoth - Wednesday, 01-Jul-2015, 21:10:07

"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
zellakDate: Friday, 03-Jul-2015, 18:41:24 | Message # 2
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
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About to start on my new Kingdom of Brittania aircraft carrier for Dystopian Wars.

Those Yanks look good. smile

A lot of BARs and smg in there ????? ninja

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
MorgothDate: Sunday, 05-Jul-2015, 08:15:48 | Message # 3
Major general
Group: Administrators
Messages: 284
Status: Offline
Quote zellak ()
About to start on my new Kingdom of Brittania aircraft carrier for Dystopian Wars.

Good stuff ... any pictures?

Quote zellak ()
Those Yanks look good.

Thanks! smile

I'm rather chuffed with my table-top standard that I'm doing now. One of these days
I'll look to improve on my skills by doing highlights, blending, eyes and anything else
that goes within a professional level.

Quote zellak ()
A lot of BARs and smg in there ????? ninja

These are the only models with some extra base bling, so the majority of my infantry
with rifles have no bling to them and didn't make the photo-shoot, poor lads! I might
come back to them in another session when I'm not focusing on painting others.

I need to start looking for armour, mortar, HMG, etc, for my Yanks now .... anyone
seen any deals anywhere, or selling any unwanted (German or) anks? ... Walts

"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
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