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D&D campaign for 19/9/2010
Dead_OneDate: Wednesday, 15-Sep-2010, 14:39:00 | Message # 1
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I've dug through the cupboards some more, and found a campaign i would like to start on Sunday, if we can raise enough interest?
I need 4+ people, max of about 8. Its for new chars, but it is a long long campaign, last time I ran it it went on for 3 yrs+, being played 2 times a week, so fairly long lasting.
The basic setting is typical d&d, the only exception being magic is extremely rare, and magic users are practically non existent, so a char would have to be extra gifted to be able to start as a mu.
I always like my pcs to be superhuman though, think that fits in better with the traditional idea of a hero, so i tend to tweak the char gen rules a little to make em more fun.
If you are interested in joining in can you post below, so i can get some ideas of numbers for sunday?
BalrogDate: Wednesday, 15-Sep-2010, 19:24:58 | Message # 2
Aun Va III
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Hey Paul ... I'm up for a game, hell yeah! Bring on the Mighty Paladins of the Imperial Senate!

I've tweaked a few characters in my time as well, but never beyond the rulebooks ... above average stats, high hit points, extra spells here or there, maybe a cool blaster, odd timeslip pads, pet K9 robotic dog ... that sort of thing, but always within the limits of a game. Making the characters too "superhuman" takes away the fun of being killed off, which adds to the tension and thrill of any RPG! If your superhuman and think you can trash anything, then gameplay usually suffers, especially in the thinking department, so don't be too generous (except to me if you want!!!) with new character creations, it could come back and bite you in the butt ... Walts

PS. I'll send a Mass PM to drum up some interest for you.

zellakDate: Thursday, 16-Sep-2010, 10:05:01 | Message # 3
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I would like to join in...but i wont be in til 12 oclock this week.

Most people should have their characters rolled by then. wink

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
Dead_OneDate: Thursday, 16-Sep-2010, 14:03:26 | Message # 4
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Super human might be over exaggerating a little... Maybe i should have said i prefer them to be towards the right side of the bell curve...
RMcNDate: Thursday, 16-Sep-2010, 15:50:06 | Message # 5
Lieutenant colonel
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Could you take Ryan - he wants a game.
Dead_OneDate: Thursday, 16-Sep-2010, 16:05:09 | Message # 6
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no problem, got 3 so far then, need at least 1 more to really get going, pref 2-3 more... any takers?

Added (16-Sep-2010, 4:05 PM)
oops, make that 5 so far.. who said dm's can count........

NemesisDate: Thursday, 16-Sep-2010, 18:02:34 | Message # 7
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I prefer playing D&D than a lot of other games so I would like to join if possible --- Mark aka the crazy Drow
zellakDate: Thursday, 16-Sep-2010, 20:15:59 | Message # 8
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Ians PC is down, talked on the phone tonight to him, he would like in to.

(ie...Ian aka Captain Gul.)

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
Dead_OneDate: Friday, 17-Sep-2010, 08:08:41 | Message # 9
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Sounds like a party:-)
I get confused over who is who on the forums... saying that, im pretty much the same face to face:-)
BalrogDate: Friday, 17-Sep-2010, 12:47:16 | Message # 10
Aun Va III
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Quote (Dead_One)
I get confused over who is who on the forums...

That sounds about right! It's one of the reasons I tend to leave my name at the end, that way newcomers will be able to say a name that they've been chatting with ... Walts (aka Balrog ... aka Gorlab & Sue ... confusing or what!!!)

Dead_OneDate: Saturday, 18-Sep-2010, 13:37:23 | Message # 11
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Quick question, is there any figures/floor plans etc. i could use, i can't find any of mine :-( thanks
BalrogDate: Saturday, 18-Sep-2010, 15:55:46 | Message # 12
Aun Va III
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Hey Paul ... I'm sure the other players will be able to help you out. Some usually bring theirs in for other RPGs or wargames for the day, but if you give them some notice, they will bring in what you need. There is plenty of floorplans in the cupboards, and some figures I think, so you will be OK for this Sunday.

I'll send a Mass PM to everyone and that should help out for tomorrow too ... Walts.

zellakDate: Saturday, 18-Sep-2010, 17:27:53 | Message # 13
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As Walter says...a full set of warhammer quest (plus some extra stuff) for miniatures and there are also D&D floorplans.

Do you need any Drow miniatures ? wink

What do you usually roll for Character generation ....5d6 and take the best 3 ?

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
Dead_OneDate: Saturday, 18-Sep-2010, 22:50:43 | Message # 14
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4d6 and re roll the lowest dice, gives a slightly higher average.. and you will need it :-)
BalrogDate: Monday, 20-Sep-2010, 20:17:27 | Message # 15
Aun Va III
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Hey Paul ... Thanks for Sundays "Battle Royal" ... we came, we saw, they died, we died, they rose from the dead, we rose from the dead ... and we'll keep on till we get all 20 keys from the dungeon! Bring it on! Walts
Dead_OneDate: Monday, 20-Sep-2010, 21:15:02 | Message # 16
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:-) who said the 20 keys are in a dungeon......
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