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Members use of the club website
BanksiDate: Sunday, 19-Oct-2014, 19:46:20 | Message # 1
Major general
Group: Administrators
Messages: 417
Reputation: 33
Status: Offline
After much discussion by those using the club on Sunday, some changes will be made to the club website.

As off Sunday 26th October only those who visit the club on a regular basis will be allowed to post on the forum.

Members of the website who do not visit will have their status changed from Member to Confirmed.

This change will still allow PMing of members but not allow posting.

We will be going through the list of website members checking where we can to ensure the least disruption.

If by any chance you have had your status changed in error please talk to someone at the club, it is an easy task to rectify any mistakes.



Site Admin

Of course I know your name, it's your face I can't remember - Parahandy
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