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Dettol paint stripping
p1fxDate: Wednesday, 15-Oct-2014, 20:40:11 | Message # 1
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 216
Reputation: 8
Status: Offline
I promised someone I would let them know how many minis I managed to do with a bottle and thought I would post it here too.

That's me over the 250 minis mark, and the Dettol is starting to fade now. Still works but the minis are having to be left in a few days now and some of the paint is still hardish to remove. But the experiment has shown that Dettol is by far the most economical method of stripping paint.
MorgothDate: Thursday, 16-Oct-2014, 00:12:29 | Message # 2
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Messages: 284
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I concur!

One of the chaps at the club told me about Dettol (Pav +1 Rep) and it's saved me a fortune!

Buy badly painted models, strip'em and paint'em ... saved a mint since learning of this
excellent "model paint stripper" potion! wink ... Walts

"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
p1fxDate: Friday, 17-Oct-2014, 18:03:54 | Message # 3
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 216
Reputation: 8
Status: Offline
Quote Morgoth ()
Buy badly painted models, strip'em and paint'em ... saved a mint since learning of this excellent "model paint stripper" potion! ... Walts

Yup, suddenly you don't mind buying really badly or thickly painted minis. An I mean of all the methods being able to do all the mini's I have done with one bottle is fantastic. Just keep it in a jam jar ( I use one of the big hot dog jars) and you can just keep reusing it over n over again. Much more economical than power spray, but not as quick acting.
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