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Warmachine/ Hordes
BanksiDate: Thursday, 11-Sep-2014, 22:30:56 | Message # 1
Major general
Group: Administrators
Messages: 417
Reputation: 33
Status: Offline
We have recently started playing Warmachine/ Hordes in the club, so far we have Retribution, Khador, Cryx, Cygnar, Convergence and Menoth for Warmachine. hordes are coming soon, With Trollbloods, Legion, Skrone and Circle being added.
if anyone is interested in playing Warmachine either let us know via the website or come see us on Sundays

Here is a link to a great Youtube page, Wargamergirl talks you through several games step by step, a great way to learn how it's played.


Of course I know your name, it's your face I can't remember - Parahandy
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