Got the first game played today and Che captured his second turf.
Che has the Projects and Shantytown,
zellak has control of Chinatown.
Howard has Downtown, Ross has the Airport and Walts is Uptown.
The Park is open for the taking. (the last of the 7 Turfs in use)
We might get that one sorted out in two weeks.
The game can probably take another player, maybe two.......
The introduction of cards for all the abilities should help streamline the ingame administration....which was a real pain in Gang Wars 1 
Added (17-Mar-2014, 5:45 PM)
To Che; As your gang won and didn't take 50% casualties....the Leader should have got +2 Rep.
Would that have Ranked her up to a Street-Samurai ???
And i think the loser should get a card, keep it if its good, and give a Bane card to one of the opposition Punks.
Added (17-Mar-2014, 5:50 PM)
Scoring Rep points
+2 for a winning Gang Leader who does not take 50% casualties.
1 Rep for killing a Punk.
2 Rep for killing a Gangsta or a Gang Leader.
3 Rep for killing a Street Samurai.
5 Rep for killing a Legend.
+2 Rep ( is an option ) for uncovering an "alien artifact " shiny counter.