Gang Wars Deck
zellak | Date: Thursday, 13-Mar-2014, 11:13:08 | Message # 1 |
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
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So ....what if we change the Kool to a 2d6 die roll....the highest Kool punk is the leader....his Kool = max number of his/her followers. If 2 punks have the same Kool, then fight it out and the loser drops -1 Kool. When a punk ranks up, then he becomes leader...adjust gang size to his/her Kool. Add 1 punk to the size of the Gang per Turf the gang controls. The gang always leaves 2 gang members behind in each turf when it goes on a mission.
We draw up a map ( 7 Turfs ), each player rolls up 10 punks. / Roll Kool / Roll combat-style / Roll 1d6 for each punk, on a 6 he gets a card from the deck. There are 100 punks numbered 1-100. Divided into 10 decks of 10.
100 cards, 5 of each / Survivor / Swift / Medic / Nails / No Balls / No Show / Traitor / Addict / Burnout / High Power Ammo / Hardwired Sub-Dermal Armour /Smartgun /Cyberspur / Cybereyes / Kung Fu / Stealth / Decker / Grapnel . And 5 one off cards ; 3 Grenade cards / Machinegun / Sniper-scope .
We then write down where we are attacking. and fight it out for Turfs. Both players set down x terrain pieces and shiny counters. Last man standing is the winner. Roll for replacement punks after every fight, bringing the gang back up to the Kool of the Leader.... +1 per each Turf.
Shadowrunner 20 Rep (retires) Legend 10 Rep / Armour 2 / Lives 6 / Close Combat 2 Red (4 cards max) Samurai 5 Rep / Armour 2 / Lives 4 / Close Combat 1 Red 1 White (3 cards max) Gangster 1 Rep / Armour 1 / Lives 3 / Close Combat 2 White (2 cards max) Punk...... 0 Rep / Armour 0 / Lives 2 / Close Combat 1 White (1 card max) a ganger can also have any number of bane cards, ie....No balls / No show / Traitor / Addict / Burnout.
Campaign Rules At the end of the month, (Last Sunday of each Month) each player writes down where they will attack. A Gang living in another Gangs Turf which does not attack the controlling Gang, has its Gang Leaders Kool drop by 1 A gang may field as many gang members as the Leaders Kool, +1 per turf.....but must leave behind 2 gang members to guard each turf.
A Gang Leader is the highest Rank member with the biggest Kool. ie Gang Leader with a Kool of 9 and 2 Turfs = 11 Gang size, leaving behind 4 Gangers to guard his 2 Turfs, this leaves 7 Gangers to go on the mission. Note; all gangs start with only 10 Ganger Cards in their Deck.
Bribes will be necessary to increase the number of Gangers in the Deck. These will be Blank shiny counters discovered in the game. They will be played at the end of the game to steal a Punk from another Deck. The Campaign will end when one gang controls 4 Turfs.
A Gang can bug out at the end of any turn. Morale checks for every Gang Member every turn, as each ganger activates, when the Gang is down to half starting strength. 2 Gangers guarding a Turf can decide not to fight, and can escape instead. ( More than 2 Gangers can be left behind if the players chooses.)
There will be 7 Turf cards, controlling gang will add the card to their Deck. The player writes down the number of the character onto the item card which that character finds. The card belongs to that character. If the character ends the game with more cards than it is allowed to own, then the player can transfer one of the cards to another gang member. Bane cards cannot be transferred in this way.
End of Month orders. If two or more Gangs move into a Turf, they will fight for control, or the Gang Leader can refuse to fight and have his gang hide from the controlling Gang. The Gang Leader of the gang in hiding has his Kool drop by 1. (This may trigger a fight for Leadership) A Gang attacking a Turf cannot call off its attack and return to its home Turf which is under attack, unless it captures the new Turf without a fight. A Gang must keep control of 4 Turfs for another month after they are captured. No matter how many gangs take part in a fight, or alliances, there can only be one winner. Gangs travelling to another Turf to help an Ally, return to their home Turf at the end of the fight.
The campaign rules will mean however that no one can play more than 1 game a month, this might be a problem as some players might want to play more. But there has to be some way of controlling the situation so that one player does not play 4 games in a row, captures 4 Turfs, and finishes the Campaign before other players have had a chance to challenge their claim to victory.
So i will edit the Campaign rules....A Gang must keep control of 4 Turfs for another month after they are captured. Players can play as many or as few games as they desire.....
Message edited by zellak - Thursday, 13-Mar-2014, 11:19:32
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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Che | Date: Monday, 05-May-2014, 19:24:58 | Message # 2 |
Lieutenant general
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Messages: 553
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Can we work in a "Random Events" deck in to the game? Po Ice could arrive or other interesting things. A money van as extra bribe source? Just an idea. OK a bad idea.Added (05-May-2014, 6:24 PM) --------------------------------------------- Not Po ice but police? Po ice sounds like a rap artist!
Wargamers like to paint their privates!!
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zellak | Date: Tuesday, 06-May-2014, 09:07:42 | Message # 3 |
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
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Nice idea.
What if....we add a different coloured dice to the bag.
When it comes out the bag we roll for a Random Event ?
6 on a 1D6 ??????
i will start a new thread and collect ideas.
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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Che | Date: Tuesday, 06-May-2014, 17:21:19 | Message # 4 |
Lieutenant general
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Messages: 553
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Wargamers like to paint their privates!!
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zellak | Date: Wednesday, 07-May-2014, 10:32:45 | Message # 5 |
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Status: Offline
I was thinking also that when a ganger is killed, that any shiny he was carrying should be placed on the table where he died ....rather than it disappearing.
Any opinions ?
Message edited by zellak - Wednesday, 07-May-2014, 10:34:24
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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Che | Date: Wednesday, 07-May-2014, 14:48:08 | Message # 6 |
Lieutenant general
Group: Member
Messages: 553
Status: Offline
Quote zellak (  ) I was thinking also that when a ganger is killed, that any shiny he was carrying should be placed on the table where he died ....rather than it disappearing. Yes. I agree.
Wargamers like to paint their privates!!
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