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Hey! From The Prestwick Club
WellingtonDate: Sunday, 15-Aug-2010, 16:18:59 | Message # 1
Group: Member
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Hey as most of you know the Prestwick Club shut down last year, and there are a few of us trying to get a game together.

Although, we have been speaking to people around and now we are trying to reopen the club.

We are also wondering if you guys will be able to give us some hints and tips.

Would be very helpful indeed, we already have about 6 or 7 members wanting to come but we are needing to gather stuff up first.

Our target is about 10 or 12 members before we open.

Should we give our leaflets to schools and local places?

Added (15-Aug-2010, 4:18 PM)
p.s. Our new website is www.prestwickwgamesclub.spruz.com thanks!

zellakDate: Sunday, 15-Aug-2010, 20:37:51 | Message # 2
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Hi there, long time no see. happy

First of all .....i couldn't find your new website using the address.

And second , i would post notices in local libraries.

If you want a load of wallethammer players then schools and youth clubs would also be a good bet. wink

Have you got premises sorted....are there enough tables...is there any storage space onsite ?

Logistics my good man are how battles are won or lost. happy

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
WellingtonDate: Monday, 16-Aug-2010, 08:56:57 | Message # 3
Group: Member
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hey shug,

Well, website works fine,

http://www.prestwickwgamesclub.spruz.com/ theres the link buddy.

We are getting the premises sorted probably at Prestwick Community Centre. Plenty of tables and plenty of storage.

Not a problem there, we are hoping to do a wednesday night from 6pm to 10pm

zellakDate: Monday, 16-Aug-2010, 11:32:58 | Message # 4
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i couldn't get it to work...but computers hate me. sad

Cannot pledge to come and give support because of my shift pattern at work. Sorry Sean.

But i wish you the best of luck. biggrin

And i can guarantee we (NAWC) will point people in your direction looking to game midweek.

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
WellingtonDate: Wednesday, 18-Aug-2010, 18:27:47 | Message # 5
Group: Member
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Hey all,

I'm going to pick up the let form. tomorrow, for the club at Prestwick community centre, i'll let you know on the club opening, you guys are more than welcome to come along, we may be a bit short on stuff, but my missus, is looking for funding for us to buy terrain and figures and paints (for teaching younger ones how to paint)

It will be from 6pm to 10pm on a Wednesday but if you have to leave no worries, and probably £2 entry fee, i'll discuss this with the treasurer.


Keep looking on our website for information.

RMcNDate: Monday, 23-Aug-2010, 13:21:27 | Message # 6
Lieutenant colonel
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Hi Sean, & Guys
Is Mark and Giles still involved? - I am sure I saw Marks face on the blog. We have extra terrain that was used by Prestwick. The carpet tiles, stones into terrain features, fish tank terrain for jungle terrain etc these we can gladly pass over as it would free up space in our cupboards. We have also been getting foam board that I could pass on to help you build your own ruins etc. Suggest you pop over on Sunday and we can talk it over and hand over stuff to help. Although I would avoid the 12th of September as we will all be busy them.

I was sorry to hear of the closure I hope you manage to make a go of things now. There are other clubs that meet in Ayrshire Mondays and Saturdays. Come over and we will tell you about them - suggest you show face at these clubs. Have a short note telling of the clubs details to pass over is good. Get along to GW in Ayr and Glasgow let them know about you - but as Shug says this will bring 40Kers, and GW fantasy players.

Wed is a busy night for me at the moment - but will pass it on.


WellingtonDate: Friday, 27-Aug-2010, 19:18:24 | Message # 7
Group: Member
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Hey Ross,

Yep Mark and Giles are still going to be involved Mark has put the club in my name.

Mark and I will try have a trip up one Sunday I'll see what we are both doing this Sunday, see what my girlfriend has planned for me lol.

Mark said the terrain idea sounds great, and says thank you. I also must put my thanks in you and thank you for helping us set up.

We have a date already for the club starting the 8th of September.

it's on our website.

We are welcoming anybody from GW players or fantasy or sci fi, also HISTORICAL

Thank you very much

RMcNDate: Wednesday, 01-Sep-2010, 14:50:26 | Message # 8
Lieutenant colonel
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Messages: 129
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We have several new players and I have passed on the information - now that there is a date for you to start I will send an email out as well.

This Sunday would be good if you can make it. Alternatively I could pick up some bits and drop it off on the Wed 8th. But as my car is usually full it won't be much.

Are you interested in the foam board sheets?


WellingtonDate: Tuesday, 14-Sep-2010, 21:14:43 | Message # 9
Group: Member
Messages: 15
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Hey Ross

Yeh the foam board would be great buddy.

We'll see what we can manage on Sunday, smile

Thanks so much

Added (14-Sep-2010, 9:14 PM)
Hey there.

We had a successful night I must say, 6 members turned up, including Alan and Tom.

So we are hopefully on the right track.

BalrogDate: Thursday, 24-Mar-2011, 13:14:12 | Message # 10
Aun Va III
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Hi Clubbers!

Just to let you know I'll be playing some Lord of the Rings (Games Workshop rules) at the Prestwick Wargames Club over the next few months if anyones interested in coming along on the 6th April for the first session ... Walts

WellingtonDate: Thursday, 24-Mar-2011, 18:36:07 | Message # 11
Group: Member
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Hey Walter, will be posting on our forums soon about this to, smile
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