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Golem Arcana
ZealyotDate: Sunday, 06-Oct-2013, 16:44:06 | Message # 1
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Member
Messages: 106
Reputation: 16
Status: Offline
was going through kickstarter and found this, looks really good biggrin


"In brightest day,
in blackest night,
no evil shall escape my sight,
let those who worship evil's might,
beware my power,
Green Lantern's light!"
MorgothDate: Monday, 07-Oct-2013, 17:34:18 | Message # 2
Major general
Group: Administrators
Messages: 284
Status: Offline
Now that's a cool idea!

You could use that for D&D adventures where storylines could be prepared beforehand by virtual DM's & actors ...
... show fancy strategies/explosions for WarMachine battles, giving them more atmosphere ...
... have LoTr battlemaps for skirmish games as adventures ...
... the lists go on!


"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
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