As I said on Sunday it looks great. GW go for the red with orange highlight you have the blending/wash down. So it looks right. Did you try the technique I suggested with the lava base - or is this the photo you showed me on Sunday. Seeing the larger picture here the base does have the HOT lava effect you wanted I would say already. Painters have to see when a figure is done and stop - you know the next time you might try different things. But be pleased this is a good figure that has been very nicely painted. Suggest if you want to get away from the orange highlight (in future models) and want a dark moody red armour then start with GW Machrite red mixed with Burnt Umber (a real acrylic colour not available in GW the scorched brown just isn't dark enough - got mine from art store as "Inscribe" manufacturer but it has been difficult to find recently). Don't use black to darken or shade it doesn't work just turns red a horrible muddy colour. Then bring up to red through slightly watered down mechrite red and up to red gore. GW basic red acrylic tends to be less opaque than other colours in the GW range but the the mechrite red Foundation paint isn't and will give you the foundation even on black undercoat - otherwise you will need to have a white undercoat. This way you have a dark to bright red and no orange highlight!
Well thats my thoughts - see you on Sunday. Have you checked out the Lava Dragon I did about >15 years ago?
Again nice job on the figure.