Having the forum drives wargamers to our website when they run search's on the www. As Z mentioned, some members where having problems with reading & posting, so the bulk of our new stuff is at the UKRP website now. these forums are handy for old ref's & topics of interest, so it's better to have them left live. On another matter ... As u can see P1fx, for all the members in our club & on our website ... roughly 30! ... we only have a handful who participate in creating/leaving topic's & posts, and we've tried to "encourage" ALL the other members to come on board, but the proofs in the pudding ... or lack of in our case!
We don't seem to have any club meetings or structure, so it's difficult to drive the club forward with new idea's and gain new members, or run any publicity, even to the point of some posters in the local library ... we're a bit like a headless-ork running about ... and no-one seems to bothered about it. Guess we're all to busy elsewhere!
Like I said before, as long as our clubs making enough too pay the bills, me & a lot of other members are happy. Walts "The rambler!"