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Just saying Hi!
NekoAlvienDate: Sunday, 31-Jan-2010, 03:03:59 | Message # 1
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 2
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Hey guys,

Ive found myself moving back up north to sunny Scotland and leaving my old D&D/Board gamer friends behind and was hoping that there were many here who like the odd game of D&D 4th or Catan? Although i am still a slight noob about the other wonderful stuff out there so im always looking to play a new fun game smile

Big-GDate: Sunday, 31-Jan-2010, 08:23:11 | Message # 2
Group: Administrators
Messages: 148
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
Hi Neko,

The guys do enjoy a good board game! At the moment we're playing through an OD&D Drow campaign. You'd be more than welcome!

My RPG blog
BalrogDate: Monday, 01-Feb-2010, 17:34:14 | Message # 3
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
Hey Neko ... welcome to the NAWGC forums!

I'll post a message round the members to let them know you are looking for some feedback on the games currently being played, but you will get a good idea if you look over the site. I've changed ur membership level so u can wander about as u please, so enjoy!

Walts (aka Balrog)

NekoAlvienDate: Tuesday, 02-Feb-2010, 07:39:46 | Message # 4
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 2
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
aww thanks guys! what a really great welcome smile

Ive got about another month before i move back up north so i have plenty of time to wander biggrin

zellakDate: Tuesday, 02-Feb-2010, 10:02:48 | Message # 5
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Reputation: 65
Status: Online
Welcome Neko smile

Hope to see you at the club.

I run a OD&D campaign (1983 rules) where all the characters are Drow. You are welcome to join in. happy

Up to now the party have been working for a Noble House ,raiding the surrounding lands on an Airship.

However this week they mutinied and killed the Captain(and her henchmen) and have went Rogue.

Its a whole new chapter in the story...and a lot more work for me ....but i love a challenge wink

( Sorry to all the guys for not answering messages. My PC is back at the manufacturers getting fixed cry (I'm on a library PC at the moment )

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
gerrywithaGDate: Friday, 12-Feb-2010, 16:23:51 | Message # 6
Major general
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 251
Reputation: 19
Status: Offline
Hi Neko.

Look forward to seeing you at the club


And I am watching YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
BalrogDate: Wednesday, 09-Jun-2010, 14:43:43 | Message # 7
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
Hi Neko ... any luck with ur move? We're always on the look out for new members and there's a 4thDnD on the go for u to join? ... Walts
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