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Mtg the card game
philsonDate: Thursday, 11-Apr-2013, 21:29:32 | Message # 1
Group: Member
Messages: 27
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This 1 is for aidan, here is your insect aggro/token deck you wanted, its got 25 creatures, 16 spells and 19 mana

1x ant queen
3x bayou dragonfly
4x broodhatch nantuko
2x hornet queen
1x living hive
4x nantuko eldar
1x phyrexian swarmlord
4x scute mob
1x thriss nantuko primus
4x thornscape familiar

4x blanchwood armour
2x burgeoning
4x nature's lore
4x rampant growth

19x forest
mcbaleDate: Friday, 12-Apr-2013, 18:14:08 | Message # 2
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none of that deck is standard legal, just saying, and the Phyrexian swarmlord is a waste of space in this deck, unless you make the deck a green poison deck, don't bother using swarmlord.
philsonDate: Saturday, 13-Apr-2013, 00:15:07 | Message # 3
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its there just as another win secnerio, thats all the real killers are the tokens and heavy mana ramp.
its not suppose to be standard
mcbaleDate: Friday, 03-May-2013, 23:36:37 | Message # 4
Group: Member
Messages: 38
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Philson, the Swarmlord is utterly pointless, yeah ok it's 5/5 infect that generates 1/1 insect tokens with infect for every poison counter your opponent has, but with it's mana drop and everything it's utterly pointless

Added (03-May-2013, 10:36 PM)
I apologize if I seem to be being a little short tempered in this thread, it was not my intent, reading back through I can see that it could be taken as if I was being very irritable and rude. Again, sorry.
Message edited by mcbale - Friday, 03-May-2013, 23:37:21
zellakDate: Sunday, 05-May-2013, 00:22:25 | Message # 5
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Quote (mcbale)
it could be taken as if I was being very irritable and rude.

Aye, the written word is easily misinterpreted sometimes......... thats why we use smiley faces. smile

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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