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Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd edition
Big-GDate: Monday, 07-Dec-2009, 18:05:22 | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
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The new WHFRP is released. Core books and player book availible from maelstrom for only NINTY QUID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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zellakDate: Monday, 07-Dec-2009, 21:34:17 | Message # 2
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Theres NO WAY i would pay £90 for a set of GW rules !!!!!!

Their stuff is not that good....

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
Big-GDate: Tuesday, 08-Dec-2009, 21:34:27 | Message # 3
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The Art is mega nice, £90 though?

no way...

My RPG blog
CaptainBeakyDate: Tuesday, 15-Dec-2009, 12:41:47 | Message # 4
Top JD!
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That is truly insane. Black Library couldn't sell this stuff for £30. Old skool is always better anyway - buy the original for £5 of ebay.
Big-GDate: Tuesday, 15-Dec-2009, 19:21:37 | Message # 5
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Its not black library its fantasy flight games for this one, I know GW out sourced something!!!


It is soooo pretty

My RPG blog
CaptainBeakyDate: Tuesday, 15-Dec-2009, 20:21:39 | Message # 6
Top JD!
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Dammit Janet! Now I want one! Anyone want to buy a 1985 hardback copy of WFRP for £90?
Big-GDate: Wednesday, 16-Dec-2009, 07:59:17 | Message # 7
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1985 HB? I'll give you £0.01 and an apple

My RPG blog
CaptainBeakyDate: Friday, 18-Dec-2009, 13:41:36 | Message # 8
Top JD!
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Hmm, that will leave me slightly fatter and still £89.99 short...
Big-GDate: Friday, 18-Dec-2009, 22:02:31 | Message # 9
Group: Administrators
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Your maths are upto scratch smile

Why don't you start washing your neabours cars for 0.50p a car. Thats what i used to do as a kid. smile

or beg to get it 4 your birthday

They have released the first suppliment already!!

My RPG blog
p1fxDate: Tuesday, 01-Jun-2010, 15:47:27 | Message # 10
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or just dont bother, games workshop and f f are just really trying to milk people for as much as possible with this one, and its not even a proper rpg but a gloryfied board/collecting game. the price is a disgrace and the game is a sad indication of how far the company has fallen from the glorious early days with the publishing of other game systems and then the orginal warhammer rpg with the enemey within and restless dead campaigns.
and whats with limiting the number of players unless you buy the add on to enable another 2 to play, shameless money grabbing!!
Message edited by p1fx - Tuesday, 01-Jun-2010, 15:48:40
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