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Carronade 2012
BalrogDate: Friday, 27-Apr-2012, 08:55:42 | Message # 1
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
Hi Guys

I've had a few clubbers ask about the event and who's been before and who's possibly going, so I thought I'd post some details of the event here ...
>>> Event Webpage: http://www.falkirkwargamesclub.org.uk/Carrona....12.html

>>> 30+ Traders: http://www.falkirkwargamesclub.org.uk/Carrona....12.html
>>>>>> Some top names: Old Glory; Pendraken Miniatures; Static Games & Warlord Games to name a few!

>>> Demonstration & Public Participation Games: http://www.falkirkwargamesclub.org.uk/Carrona....12.html
>>>>>> Playing Saga; American Civil War; Mordheim; Dead Men Tell No Tales (Pirates); FoW; Dark Heresy; Pathfinder; Malifaux and much more!

>>> Best of all - Flea Market Style Bring & Buy: http://www.falkirkwargamesclub.org.uk/Carrona....12.html

So let your fellow clubbers know if your going! To share the experience (and petrol costs!) to this top event. To help buy some goodies from the flea market, or just to get an idea of some new games to bring to the club ... Walts
ShaheenDate: Saturday, 28-Apr-2012, 14:20:43 | Message # 2
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 23
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
It was good last year, would recommend it to anyone who war games at all!
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