Getting Blood Bowl off the ground
Shaheen | Date: Tuesday, 06-Mar-2012, 20:57:38 | Message # 1 |
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 23
Status: Offline
If I ran a one day Blood Bowl event in the middle of Glasgow, what would it take for you to attend? What would put you off attending?
I would appreciate you any constructive feedback, thanks
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JamieCraftworldMaiden | Date: Wednesday, 07-Mar-2012, 17:48:04 | Message # 2 |
Group: Member
Messages: 61
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Hey there, Just some feedback for you:
Would have to be relitavely easy to get to as I dont really know Glasgow that well. I know a few other clubs play diffrent editions of Blood bowl so a clear stating of the ruleset would be nice!
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RMcN | Date: Wednesday, 07-Mar-2012, 21:33:07 | Message # 3 |
Lieutenant colonel
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Messages: 129
Status: Offline
Where and when were you planning to run it?
Do you run to the last edition rules - or do you have house rules? If so what are they? Will the teams start from scratch?
Is there an entry fee? Is it a proper competition (timed) or just a come and play?
We have around 10 players who play our version (house rules mixed across different editions). How many can you accomodate?
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Shaheen | Date: Thursday, 08-Mar-2012, 03:24:17 | Message # 4 |
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 23
Status: Offline
Where, central Glasgow in a pub - need to call them. When, in about 2 months or so once the big conventions have run their course. Although unlikely to be an NAF tournament, to get the biggest draw and to keep it simply I would use the latest edition of the competition (LRB6 rules) - no house rules. Link is here (goes straight to a PDF) I haven't figured out what the exact format of mini-tournament I'd like to play just yet but it's likely to be simple. Possibly 1100k with a couple of skills, but will let you know when I do. If people bring their own pitches we can accomodate a pubs worth of people I reckon - again will let you know. I'm very much at the idea stage of things and want to make sure there's demand, which by the sounds of it, there is.
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RMcN | Date: Thursday, 08-Mar-2012, 20:02:06 | Message # 5 |
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Member
Messages: 129
Status: Offline
Is it in a separate conference room in a pub? Can't imagine a pub landlord would be happy with folk playing games taking up tables and not drinking too much!
We have members < 18 who would not be able to participate in this due to the venue.
Others < 21 who might have problems in the pub venue depending on the licence of the pub.
Some of the adults work weekends and it would depend on their availability at the time.
When you know the time then this can be better arranged.
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Etrigan | Date: Saturday, 10-Mar-2012, 01:39:44 | Message # 6 |
Group: Member
Messages: 27
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Blood Bowl + Pub = oddest version of footbal hooliganism, but if I can get something together then sure. Just obviously depends on times and location etc.
“ Yarva Demonicus Etrigan. Change, change the form of man. Free the prince forever damned. Free the might from fleshy mire. Boil the blood in heart of fire. Gone, gone the form of man, Rise the demon Etrigan!
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Shaheen | Date: Friday, 23-Mar-2012, 15:37:49 | Message # 7 |
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 23
Status: Offline
Would be in a function room in the back of the pub with bar access nearby as required. Under 18s wouldn't need to drink and the owners are quite layed back - they have a vampire larp there too and are used to us in costume. Thankfully the pub is very quiet generally. I'll let you all know as soon as I get something organised and thanks for getting back to me as it helps me get a rough idea of numbers  Added (23-Mar-2012, 2:37 PM) ---------------------------------------------
Not sure how relevant this is for you due to the distance but i though I'd post just in case some of you are near Glasgow or would be willing to travel regularly:
After some chat with other tournament organisers, we felt a league to teach newer/less experienced players would be more viable than a high-pressured tournament setting. To that end, I've now set up a Glasgow Blood Bowl League. Details can be found on Facebook: or the Team Scotland Forum:
Any one who plays or would like to learn how to play is welcome. The league is oriented towards newer/less-experienced players. You'll notice that the logistics are designed to allow flexibility so that players don't have to play week-in week-out. Please let me know if you are interested.
Message edited by Shaheen - Friday, 23-Mar-2012, 15:37:32
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