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WHFB Beastmen
EtriganDate: Friday, 17-Feb-2012, 02:09:56 | Message # 1
Group: Member
Messages: 27
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
Been collecting Beastmen since BoC, inc the newer 7th edition stuff and its just collecting dust now. Thinking bout either trading it for a different WHFB or 40k army or cash, if anyone is interested in them I can tell you what I have (approx. 2000+pts) and work out something through forum or pm

“ Yarva Demonicus Etrigan.
Change, change the form of man.
Free the prince forever damned.
Free the might from fleshy mire.
Boil the blood in heart of fire.
Gone, gone the form of man,
Rise the demon Etrigan!
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