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Kingdom Cup 2012 Edinburgh
ShaheenDate: Wednesday, 08-Feb-2012, 14:01:48 | Message # 1
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 23
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
Taken from their Facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/299881906728180/

Saturday, March 17, 2012 at 3:30am until Sunday, March 18, 2012 at 5:30pm

11 Hillside Crescent Edinburgh EH7 5EA

The RAF club in Edinburgh (http://www.rafedinburghclub.org.uk/) has agreed to host this years Kingdom Cup.

It will be a 2 day event (6 games)
Start times: 9.30am on sat 17th march and 10.00 am on sunday the 18th.
Tournament will be NAF ranked. (see http://www.thenaf.net/ for more info)

Competition Rules Pack (LRB 6.0)
1.1 million to spend on your team
No stars or inducements except for stunties (Fling's, Ogre's, Goblins)
BBRC approved chaos pact, underworld creepers and Slann teams are allowed.
4 normal skills and 2 double skills can be given to players on your team; all before the first match. No player can be allocated more than one of these skills however and no more than 2 copies of any one skill can be taken. Doubles skills can be exchanged for normal skills if you so wish.
Illegal Procedure will not be used.
10 points for a win
5 points for a draw
1 bonus point for min 3 cas in a game
1 bonus point for min 3 touch downs in a game
Teams which are not fully painted will be docked 5 points.
Coaches can take part on a one day basis or a two day basis.
There will be daily winners and an overall winner.
A coach can use a different team on the second day than he/she did on the first but if they do, this rules them out of winning the overall prize, the kingdom Cup!

Best coach on each of the two days will recieve a prize and the best coach over both days will recieve the overall trophy (currently held by DonShula).

A one day ticket = £10
A two day ticket = £15

One day for a NAF member = £8
Two day for a NAF member = £12

Saturday evening goings on and shenanigans:
Italian - Venue TBC (Please pm me if you want to go)
Then a spot of boozing.
BalrogDate: Sunday, 18-Mar-2012, 23:23:14 | Message # 2
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
Hi Shaheen ... how did the event go on Sat? ... Walts
ShaheenDate: Tuesday, 20-Mar-2012, 00:25:13 | Message # 3
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 23
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
For me, badly! I got horsed with casualties. I had fun though and learned a lot. The theme for my current blood bowl tournaments is mostly learning! :P I'm really enjoying the chance to play players better than myself and make the teething mistakes of running the wrong races at particular tournaments - ie. I shouldn't have run High Elves at this one. The social aspect of the tournament itself afterwards was really good - lots of fun.
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