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madbutlerDate: Saturday, 04-Feb-2012, 16:14:00 | Message # 1
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 3
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Status: Offline
hey. new on here . i was introduced to it by etrigan. i have just started puting together a WF tomb kings army. around 1000 points worth just now.
i do have a few 5th edition d&d books. was planin on startin a game but just findin it hard to find people that want to play.
i have also spent a lot of time playing vampire the masqerade.
looking to join yous next week and have a few games of whatever and maybe look into a bit of d&d.
zellakDate: Saturday, 04-Feb-2012, 16:36:23 | Message # 2
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Reputation: 65
Status: Offline
Hi Madbutler,

Welcome to the forum. smile

Have also played a bit of VtM (years ago ).

Hope to see you and Etrigan tomorrow. happy

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
madbutlerDate: Saturday, 04-Feb-2012, 19:46:32 | Message # 3
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 3
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
i will not be able to manage tomorow but definetly next week
mcbaleDate: Saturday, 04-Feb-2012, 20:02:21 | Message # 4
Group: Member
Messages: 38
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
Hey madbutler

I'm Jack, i play a bit of WFB, I have a load of Tomb Kings for sale if you would be interested give us a PM.

Hope to see you at the club soon.
BalrogDate: Saturday, 04-Feb-2012, 20:03:15 | Message # 5
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
Hey MB ... Welcome one & all to the crazzzzyyyyy world of NAWGC! I'm sure you've had a wander round the website and forums to get an idea of what we play, so come along anytime for a visit, it always free to onlookers.

I'm particularly interested in ur 5th Ed D&D, so count me in for a game! ... All the best, Walts.

PS. What's ur name? I would hate to think u'd lamp someone if they called u the "mad butler" wacko when u came along to the club!
madbutlerDate: Saturday, 04-Feb-2012, 20:27:45 | Message # 6
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 3
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
50 % of peole call me fred. 50% call me alfy. take ur pick . had a good look at the site and a love. well layed out .
a do a bit of photograpy and a mate has already asked me to take some pics of his 40k stuff.
so when i come along a was gona bring ma cam if thats cool and get some pics of some qaulity painted stuff.
a dot take pics of ma own stuff coz a aint a great painter.

when a come along a will bring all my d&d stuff and anythin else a got kickin about in ma house.

a found a small box of WFB ork and black ork heads if they anygod to anybody they can have them. dont even know why i still have them.
p1fxDate: Saturday, 18-Feb-2012, 04:02:51 | Message # 7
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 216
Reputation: 8
Status: Offline
5th Ed? I used to do a fair bit of rpg's but not played one for a little while, still have quite a collection though, getting into 40k at present
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