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BalrogDate: Friday, 16-Oct-2009, 11:37:54 | Message # 1
Aun Va III
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Messages: 667
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Hey Warmongers!

Just wanted to get the ball rolling on boardgames at the club. Is this something the club plays a lot? If so, what's ur fav and how often?

My fav is Sword & Sorcery, Kingmaker & Dune. Sadly, my Kingmaker counters are to worn to play anymore ... does anyone else have this game?!

Check out this website for some cool write-ups ... BoardGameGeek


zellakDate: Friday, 16-Oct-2009, 15:47:35 | Message # 2
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i have Kingmaker.

Also Republic of Rome, Swords and Sorcery, Junta and Blue Max.

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Big-GDate: Friday, 16-Oct-2009, 21:45:19 | Message # 3
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I really fancy a game of space hulk

My RPG blog
gerrywithaGDate: Friday, 16-Oct-2009, 23:47:44 | Message # 4
Major general
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Quote (Big-G)
I really fancy a game of space hulk

Talk to Kieran when he's back from his hols as he has it


And I am watching YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Big-GDate: Saturday, 17-Oct-2009, 00:03:52 | Message # 5
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i have loads on just now i will get round to asking him eventually!

My RPG blog
CaptainBeakyDate: Thursday, 29-Oct-2009, 13:42:53 | Message # 6
Top JD!
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I've wanted to play the following for a while but can't afford them: Descent and Last Night on Earth. I might ask Santa if anyone else is interested.
Big-GDate: Sunday, 01-Nov-2009, 09:33:49 | Message # 7
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i'm always up for a board game

My RPG blog
BalrogDate: Wednesday, 09-Jun-2010, 15:38:54 | Message # 8
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
ahhh, BG's ... one's first luv! Need to get into some of my old fav's, which I know some of the other members have ...

1] Swords & Sorcery;
2] Kingmaker;
3] all the rest!

Yes, we should get more BG's on the go! Walts

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