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Runestone Scenery - Wayyyyyy Cool!
MorgothDate: Monday, 01-Jul-2013, 18:33:20 | Message # 1
Major general
Group: Administrators
Messages: 284
Status: Offline
Just came across these scenery pieces ...

> http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch....estones

... They would look so pretty on the Dark Ages, Ancients, Kings of War, etc tables! wink

Go on, you know u want too!!! happy ... Walts

"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
zellakDate: Monday, 01-Jul-2013, 19:32:25 | Message # 2
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Reputation: 65
Status: Offline
Aye, would look good on a Saga table. smile

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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