Bolt Action
Morgoth | Date: Friday, 10-Oct-2014, 17:10:23 | Message # 21 |
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Hi P
I'll be back at the club in the following weeks and have a German army (pictures soon to be posted!) and am only familiar with BA rules, which I personally luv for their easy play. If ur ever coming to the club, let me know and I'll give u game.
I'm looking to get on with painting my Americans from next week, so will soon have two armies! I'm always amazed in the transition of horrid grey models into armymen!
"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
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Banksi | Date: Friday, 10-Oct-2014, 17:15:37 | Message # 22 |
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Quote p1fx (  ) Could any of the ww2 guys elaborate on why they have moved away from BA? One of the reasons is the fact it is so hard to win as a German player, with each new army list there has been rule creep and the Germans have been left behind. Different people wrote each list army so the continuity is broken, A bit like the problem GW made with the first Epic 40k rules.
Another anomaly is that buildings turn recruit troops(Added cover saves) into elites when it comes to survivability so makes it almost pointless to buy elite troops if fighting in a built up area.
What looks like a good set of rules and are fun to play but have major issues if you play Germany, I haven't played Chain of Command yet, the main reason is I like a points system and these rules are scenario based
There is a rumour that BA2 is coming soon to fix the problems.
Of course I know your name, it's your face I can't remember - Parahandy
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p1fx | Date: Friday, 10-Oct-2014, 17:35:58 | Message # 23 |
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Ah,see I was not aware of the issues with Germans, I was only aware of issues regarding damaging vehicles, some ranges, transports and such all of which im sure could be houseruled or fixed with an compendium or update. I had held off buying both BA and KoW due to the rumoured updates, but both rumours seem to have been going on for a while now without andy sign of anything concrete.
Totally with you opn points, I just find it a little easier to arrange things that way.
You have a lot of the osprey games do you not? can I pick your brain on a couple of their rule sets?
Oh and cheers for the offer Walts.
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Morgoth | Date: Friday, 10-Oct-2014, 20:32:34 | Message # 24 |
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Sadly, as I'm sure we all know, no rules in any game are perfect. I personally like to look to the positives to enjoy any game.
I've always played with the Germans and won plenty of games with various mixes of squads, vehicles, tanks, guns, arty and air support, so I'm not sure what issues they have? Sometimes I take lots of auto's, other times just rifles for the range, Vet and/or Rookies ... no matter what's on the table, the dice always dictate who wins!
One thing I've found is not to saturate the games table with buildings. At most, we've had a couple of buildings and a ruin on the table. Buildings are a pain to move about in and bog the units/game down, so the odd 1 or 2 add enough flavour to make the game interesting. We don't follow any hardline scenarios as well and just throw down enough chips for VPs to make it interesting.
As for troop compositions, both sides can choose the same squad "Quality", so it's not an advantage to any side?
BA is a keeper for me for a quick & easy set of WW2 rules. As too it's level of accuracy/realism to WW2, wellllllll, that's something for the purists to discuss and I'm not interested in that ... I want to play a game that's easy to follow and fun!
"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
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p1fx | Date: Friday, 10-Oct-2014, 21:52:51 | Message # 25 |
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Yeah I am not too fussed if it is not totally historically correct, if you want to play that way then your gonna end up just facing the same sort of opponent every time.
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zellak | Date: Friday, 10-Oct-2014, 23:30:01 | Message # 26 |
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I agree with Walts, i dont see the Jerries as all that weak in BA.
In most WW2 games they are well outgunned by the Yanks, as they all carry SLRs and plenty of machineguns.
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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p1fx | Date: Friday, 10-Oct-2014, 23:51:08 | Message # 27 |
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I think I will still go for BA but it may get put on to a back burner for now
Message edited by p1fx - Friday, 10-Oct-2014, 23:51:34
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Morgoth | Date: Saturday, 11-Oct-2014, 07:07:48 | Message # 28 |
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Quote p1fx (  ) I think I will still go for BA but it may get put on to a back burner for now One of the reason why I'm now building an American army is that I'll have enough for a two player game. Once complete, your more than welcome to drop into the club for a game, without having to worry about needing anything!
Just need to finish off my Covenant of Antarctica for Dystopian Wars (another second army!) this weekend and I'll get back into my BA models! ... Walts
"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
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Banksi | Date: Saturday, 11-Oct-2014, 10:21:03 | Message # 29 |
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Quote zellak (  ) I agree with Walts, i dont see the Jerries as all that weak in BA.
It is not the equipment that makes the Germans so weak, the Germans have a lot of good equipment available to them, it is the fact that all the other Armies have more and much better nation traits.
Looking at basic stats doesn't always give you the true picture of how an army can do in these rules.
If you look at the Warlord forum there is a constant trail of people voicing the same opinion, the Germans are flawed, it's more difficult to win or even draw with them. It is the main reason why we all stopped playing BA in the club.
I have both fully painted Americans and Germans armies, the number of times the Germans have won I can count on my pinkies.
Chain of Command seems to be more balance but it has no points so I'm not keen to play it
Of course I know your name, it's your face I can't remember - Parahandy
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Banksi | Date: Saturday, 11-Oct-2014, 10:25:27 | Message # 30 |
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Quote Morgoth (  ) As too it's level of accuracy/realism to WW2 I agree with you on this one, it isn't historically accurate, it's a fun game, more like 1940K as has been quoted.
Of course I know your name, it's your face I can't remember - Parahandy
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zellak | Date: Saturday, 11-Oct-2014, 18:05:49 | Message # 31 |
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Quote Banksi (  ) It is the main reason why we all stopped playing BA in the club.
I have both fully painted Americans and Germans armies, the number of times the Germans have won I can count on my pinkies.
imho....the choice of troops taken by the german players at the club is usually a bit suspect.
If the Germans fielded multiple small infantry units (some of them Volksturm), with mortar and mmg support, with maybe an anti-tank gun.
Instead of massive Waffen SS units each with 2 machineguns ! / flame panzers ! / flame throwers jumping out of kubelwagons ! / nebelwerfers ! / a Panzer 4 AND a sdkfz 234 ! in a 1000 point list !!!!!
imho..... i would like to see the Jerries fielding more mundane lists, just to see if they could do better.
The British get a free FOO, who normally drops the stonk on his own side.
The Americans get to fire on the move without penalty....instead of getting the overwhelming firepower they had historically.
The Jerries get an extra dice shooting with LMG/MMG. And a chance to replace fallen squad leaders.
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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p1fx | Date: Saturday, 11-Oct-2014, 20:25:57 | Message # 32 |
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Quote zellak (  ) The British get a free FOO, who normally drops the stonk on his own side. The Americans get to fire on the move without penalty....instead of getting the overwhelming firepower they had historically. The Jerries get an extra dice shooting with LMG/MMG. And a chance to replace fallen squad leaders.
Yeah that's all I thought the differences where between them, with the Russians getting a free squad of conscripts etc I thought the lists had been written so that every army had access to the same sort of units but I am probably wrong there. It seems like every ww2 (or perhaps every wargame) has it's flaws which makes it pretty hard to get into the whole genre. I do quite like the RoE rule set though even if the army lists are odd (no points) but it has a few flaws and nobody plays it anyway. FoW looks ok but folk have worked out how to "cheat" essentially and so many players have moved away form it after facng the same list time and time again. and so on.
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Morgoth | Date: Sunday, 12-Oct-2014, 09:38:34 | Message # 33 |
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I've been playing BA for just under a year now, pretty regularly, and we've not found any of the traits so over-powered that they've given any-one side a major advantage? If I was to be honest, the German trait to regain his NCO is a major bonus as most losses at the end of the game come from troopers failing morale checks and deserting the battlefield!
As many as possible small squads of 7 or 9 are what I throw on the table now, where I'm looking to put pin markers on enemy units, so unit composition does play a major part in the game.
If people are saying country traits make them over-powered, I'm guessing their just looking for negatives as they've lost. If we where to actually record a whole game session, they'd probably be surprised as to why they lost, having seen MANY dice rolls scupper plans!
I guess you ether like the game with all it's supposed faults or you don't, but I'm only now (having played for nearly a year) getting to grips with the right units to field and, like I said before, starting to win regularly ... Walts
"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
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p1fx | Date: Sunday, 12-Oct-2014, 14:24:27 | Message # 34 |
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Quote Morgoth (  ) One of the reason why I'm now building an American army is that I'll have enough for a two player game. Once complete, your more than welcome to drop into the club for a game, without having to worry about needing anything!
Must be nice and handy to be able to do so for any game your wanting to get into, it would certainly help introduce others to the game.
One of these days I will take you up on your offer of a game, work is drying up a bit now winter is here so sundays are becoming more available, however the cash flow dries up too so another issue sigh.
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zellak | Date: Thursday, 06-Nov-2014, 19:56:56 | Message # 35 |
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Fun Bat-Rep from some Australian guys......they do a lot of 30K and 40K games too.
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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Morgoth | Date: Friday, 10-Jul-2015, 15:13:17 | Message # 36 |
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Looking for a game of Bolt Action on the 19th ... anyone interested? I have a US & German army, so happy to show anyone interested in playing ... Thanks, Walts
"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
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