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Grenades in AT-43 (version 2.0)
zellakDate: Wednesday, 05-Dec-2012, 10:09:25 | Message # 1
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Reputation: 65
Status: Offline
We are finally getting to use grenades now during some 4' x 4' games of AT-43.
The following optional rule is based on the new 40K 6Ed idea of only one man in the squad throwing a grenade per round.

Only one man in the unit can throw a grenade.

It would work like a AT-43 flamer.

Range 25 cm, automatic hit, everyone under the template ( 4 cm radius) gets hit.

Roll for damage according to the pen/dam listed in the army book.

Its a lot shorter range but guaranteed a hit.

Remember the range of flamers is measured from the flamer user to the target miniature.

NOT leader to leader ! (so this would use all the flamer rules.)

Grenades may not be fired on overwatch. (new !!!)

End result : a 6 man unit would cost +30 points and gain a low Penetration flamer shot.

The new line in the version 2.0 is to prevent a sneaky trick that presented itself during playtesting on Sunday (2 / 12 / 12) during a 4 player 4' x 4' game of AT-43. My six man UNA squad fired on an an enemy squad, but one could not fire (as he had no LOS). So i put him on overwatch and used split fire (a hangover from the original rule) ........

Later, an enemy unit jumped out from behind cover and threw a grenade.

My grenadier had no LOS to him so he did not throw in retaliation.

Why not ?


1) he had no line of sight (Of course indirect weapons only need a LOS from one of the men in their unit...but i felt there was little point in bringing this up)

2) Would grenades be used in overwatch....i dont think so. If you are covering a corner and the enemy peeks round intending to fire, then you want to be able to take him down instantly ( learned this from Full Spectrum Warrior not AT-43. biggrin )

And, how long are you going to hold the grenade in overwatch ????

And, are you going to have time to find the pin and put it back in before your squad moves out ?

And, what if you get zapped, fall over and drop the grenade......your off everybodies xmas card list. tongue

Grenades should only be used during a units activation, they are a one shot deal and should be used to deal with an enemy in an aggressive manouver.

Not a passive one.

AT-43 is the best skirmish game around. The grenade rules in the rulebook being the only weak link.
Message edited by zellak - Wednesday, 05-Dec-2012, 10:35:26

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Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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