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BalrogDate: Saturday, 03-Mar-2012, 23:12:12 | Message # 21
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
Quote (Che)
Frostbite is Frostbite and Damocles is Damocles

... Yeah, I think Che's right. Mixing the two could be fatal! ... Let's stick to the FB Campaign, that will give us enough headaches! ... Walts
gerrywithaGDate: Sunday, 04-Mar-2012, 02:18:21 | Message # 22
Major general
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Messages: 251
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Quote (Balrog)
Hi Gerry ... Will we be able to use any of the other rules from the Damocles Campaign Book (aka DCB) ... http://www.northayrshirewargamesclub.co.uk/load....#ent853 ... apart from unit composition?

For example, the UNA have the following (DCB Page 15) ability ...

VHF Commo (5 A.P.): This high-tech radio allows the White Stars units to communicate easily with less interference. This
way the officers are made even more efficient. A unit whose members are all equipped with a VHF commo generates one
extra LP during the activation phase.
... and the various other armies have odds & bods as well. Any thoughts? ... Walts

Hi Walts,

I'm afraid I'm not inclined to allow any of the Damocles rules on the basis that some are not applicable or useful to Frostbite, and that 3 factions see no gain whatsoever whilst the other 3 do, and that the UNA, by far , benefit from the Damocles rules whilst the others do not



And I am watching YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
BalrogDate: Tuesday, 06-Mar-2012, 13:54:01 | Message # 23
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
Quote (gerrywithaG)
the UNA, by far , benefit from the Damocles rules whilst the others do not

Cheers ... Da'Umpire

The UNA ... who's playing them I wonder? blink huh blink huh

If I was to be TOTALLY honest, I only looked at the UNA advantages and didn't pay any attention to the rest of the book and what it had to offer the other armys, so well spotted that umpire! ... Walts
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