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Withdrawing from Campaign
BanksiDate: Sunday, 05-Feb-2012, 16:36:08 | Message # 1
Major general
Group: Administrators
Messages: 417
Reputation: 33
Status: Offline
I'm pulling out from this campaign, lack of reciprocated fair play/ good will and amending lists/ unit rules are the major reasons.

I've attempted to play fair in all the games I've played in, given leeway when people make mistakes or didn't want to continue.

I take no pleasure from winning via others obvious mistakes.

I will take part in another campaigns but only if the armies used are as listed in the army books, The rules & campaign rules are as listed.

As I see it you cant bend lists/rules to the way you want them then force others to toe the line totally.

Win at all costs, wins you nothing.
Message edited by Banksi - Sunday, 05-Feb-2012, 20:28:59

Of course I know your name, it's your face I can't remember - Parahandy
pavlovDate: Sunday, 05-Feb-2012, 19:43:37 | Message # 2
Major general
Group: Member
Messages: 289
Reputation: 27
Status: Offline

Arceo faction are withdrawn from cave of doubt and return to hq with flux from there last game and both will remain in hq until the end of week 7.


There is f&*k all cool about 10+ civil engineers running around every battlefield
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