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4' x 4' game 12 / 05 / 13
zellakDate: Sunday, 12-May-2013, 20:07:02 | Message # 1
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Reputation: 65
Status: Offline
Good game today.

Went all 6 turns.

Congrats to Che on his close win over Mcbales Cogs force.

Both sides deployed 8 TP each, and two objectives, both players were limited to 2 secondary objectives each.

Rolled for random entry edge for one side, the opponent using the opposite edge.

Played 6 turns, highest scoring VP total for the win.

We deployed 30 cm in from the edge, but reserve units deploying 15 cm in from the edge instead of 30 cm.

Grenade rules were used. None were thrown during the game.

Type I / II / III infantry VP counted as 1 VP / 2 VP / 4 VP

AFV Type I / II / III = 2 VP / 4 VP / 8 VP

2 VP for killing a Hero.

No problems with either the set up or the game itself.


Things of note.

1 ) We used a building with no ladder, but decided that an internal wall would count as a ladder. happy

2 ) If you destroy a unit , and only the hero is left, do you score the points for the unit ...or wait until you have destroyed both the unit and the hero to score all VP ? wacko
Message edited by zellak - Sunday, 12-May-2013, 20:13:50

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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