Tau 23/2/14
HQ (50 AP), 5 Vets (+65 AP), 5 AssR (+25 AP) = 140 AP
4 x 5 Firewarriors, 5 Reg (50 AP) , 4 AssR (+20 AP) + LMG (20 AP) = 90 AP x 3 = 360 AP
1 Veteran Tiger Tank 474 AP
1 unarmed medic 15 AP
2 x 5 Stealthsuit, Vets 65 AP , 5 AssR (+25 AP), + Armour 25 AP = 115 x 2 = 230 AP
3 x 5 Drones/Vespids, Regulars 50 AP + 5 AssR (25 AP) + 5 jump packs @ 3 AP ( +15 AP) = 90 AP x 3 = 270 AP ( total 1489 AP )
Added (23-Feb-2014, 6:34 PM)
I dont really think they are the same as 40K Tau.
They are missing the heavy hitting of the Pulse rifle.
What about trying this ?
Pulse rifle special rule; 1 attack / range 30" / +1 PEN ( +10 points per man ) not assault !
Then 5 fire-warriors would roll 5 dice, but could pin AFV and have a better chance of killing infantry. ( And out-range enemy infantry.)
100 AP a unit.
5 dice in melee.
Added (26-Feb-2014, 9:52 AM)
A HMG with 3 lives and 3 shots costa 70 AP, about 23 AP per man/shot...
23 x 5 =115....but take 15 AP off to reduce the range to 30".....wallah ! 100 AP
Added (26-Feb-2014, 9:57 AM)
OR ...
Say two shots per man !!!
23 AP x 10 = 230 AP - 30 AP to reduce range to 30 " - 50 AP to reduce by 5 lives = 150 AP
Fire Warriors
5 Regular Infantry / pulse rifles (2 shots , range 30", Pen +1 ) 150 AP
so..............Pulse Rifles +20 AP 
Added (26-Feb-2014, 10:27 AM)
Tau Testlist Alpha 1500 AP
HQ 1st Lt. (+50) Regular Crisis Battlesuit ( Armoured car 40 AP ) MMG and bazooka (+70 ) = 160 AP
4 x 5 Fire Warriors ...5 Reg Inf (50 AP) + Pulse rifles (+100 AP) = 150 AP x 4 = 600 AP
1 x 5 Kroot ...5 Conscript + bolt action rifles (25 AP ) = 25 AP
1 Hammerhead Heavy AFV 220 AP + SH gun 140 AP + 1d6 HE ammo (60 AP )+ 2 HMG ( +60 AP ) + transport 5 (+15 AP) = 495 AP ( total 1280 )
1 Devilfish ... Medium AFV 140 AP + HMG 30 AP + 2 drones (count as 1 MMG 20 AP ) + transport 10 (+30 AP) = 220 AP ( total 1500 AP)