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zellakDate: Wednesday, 19-Feb-2014, 22:47:36 | Message # 1
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Reputation: 65
Status: Online
Therians 1500 AP

( Droid = cost as veteran , but killed on a 4+ , and morale test passed on 11 or less. )

HQ squad ; 5 Therian Golems vet inf (65 AP) + 4 Ass R (20 AP) + Sonic Gun ... light Autocannon (30 AP) + fanatic (15 AP) + HQ (25 AP) = 155 AP

6 squads of 5 Therian Golems vet inf (65 AP) + 4 Ass R (20 AP) + Sonic Gun ... light Autocannon (30 AP) + fanatic (15 AP) = 130 AP x 6 = 780 AP

3 Bane Goliath : Light tank ( 60 AP) + 2 Medium guns (100 AP )+ open topped (-10 AP) = 150 AP x 3 = 450 AP ( total 1385 AP )

Special rule 1 : Lethal weapon ; All Golems with Nanoblades roll an extra dice in melee. ( 100 AP ) ( total 1485 )

Special rule 2 : All Golems count as Droid. (cost paid)

Special rule 3 : Nanoregeneration ; The HQ can use the medic ability, at unlimited range once every turn when he/she activates. ( 50 AP ) (total = oops !)

(ps....this ability might work well for Necrons to......)
Message edited by zellak - Wednesday, 19-Feb-2014, 22:51:28

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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