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How did you get into wargaming etc?
zellakDate: Thursday, 01-May-2014, 18:29:18 | Message # 41
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Quote Banksi ()
there methods are despicable in persuading young people to part with their money

Some of us old guys as well....we have played quite a few of GW's games if i remember correctly. tongue

WH40K.....Space Crusade.......Epic 40K.......Necromunda.......Bloodbowl........Battlefleet Gothic......

And quite likely a few more i have forgotten....

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
p1fxDate: Thursday, 01-May-2014, 20:28:17 | Message # 42
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Quote Banksi ()
Roddy was into Napoleonics, various rules but Guilders was his favorite, I started playing WRG 1/300th Modern, then drifted onto WRG 7th edition ancients. Both sets of rules were much more complicated/ intricate than the rules we play now.

Ah I see, thank's that is quite interesting. I was wondering if anyone had come in via Napoleonic's.

Oh and yeah GW's methods leave a lot to be desired.

Added (01-May-2014, 5:56 PM)
Z aye it is amazing how many GW games folk have played over the years, back when GW actually put more effort into their games and didn't purely focus on cash for the shareholders.

Added (01-May-2014, 7:28 PM)
By the way where were you guys buying your games n stuff back then? was there a local retailer or did you get a lot mail order or in Glasgow?

zellakDate: Friday, 02-May-2014, 21:44:08 | Message # 43
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Quote p1fx ()
By the way where were you guys buying your games n stuff back then?

Mail order from adverts in wargames magazines.

The first game i bought was SPI " Musket and Pike".

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
p1fxDate: Sunday, 04-May-2014, 06:30:18 | Message # 44
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Quote zellak ()
Mail order from adverts in wargames magazines. The first game i bought was SPI " Musket and Pike".

Ah cool, mail order was often how I too had to get things back in the day.

I am sure someone said that there was a hobby shop in Irvine, if briefly, at some point around the 90's, but I know no more about it.
CheDate: Monday, 05-May-2014, 19:15:33 | Message # 45
Lieutenant general
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There was a hobby shop at Townhead for a brief time but it went under quite quickly!

Wargamers like to paint their privates!!
p1fxDate: Thursday, 08-May-2014, 21:51:52 | Message # 46
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Quote Che ()
There was a hobby shop at Townhead for a brief time but it went under quite quickly!

Oh can you by any chance remember where exactly? I did not think there where many shops that way, the cross aye but never really looked up Townhead, mind you saying that I had never walked up Hill street to the church till the other week there.

Added (08-May-2014, 8:51 PM)
Was it a big shop? did it stock much? did it have space to play? Was there not much interest from customers?

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