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What armies do you have?
p1fxDate: Saturday, 27-Sep-2014, 03:16:09 | Message # 21
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 216
Reputation: 8
Status: Offline
Only just got back into wargames in the past few years and had never painted an army before recently trying with my first and second armies. So do not really have a lot of wargames stuff but...

Currently have;

40K - Space Marines, Around 5000 points at least painted, few new acquisitions on the queue to be painted.

40K - Imperial Guard Around 2300 points very close to being all painted, just flesh and faces to do on them all. Unplayable though until I can get the new codex sad

WHF/KoW - Empire/KoM Around 1000 points a long way from completion, painting has halted at moment on these.

Coming soon;

KoW - Goblins, Aiming for around 750 points.

Future projects;

Bolt Action - Russians or British Desert rats Aiming for around 500/750 points. (Hopefully before the end of the year)

I have rules for 40k, Rules of Engagement and a random 6mm sci fi which I need to find in order to remember it's name. Oh and the free KoW rules and lists. I do have a few various RPG's though as well.

Added (30-Apr-2014, 11:19 AM)
Can't edit my post so will add that the 750 points of Goblins are now here, I just need to build and paint them up for KoW.

Added (27-Sep-2014, 2:16 AM)
500 point KoW Elf warband also added and in process of being painted.

Forces of nature warband or small force next I think.

Message edited by p1fx - Thursday, 17-Apr-2014, 01:00:25
zellakDate: Sunday, 28-Sep-2014, 21:46:01 | Message # 22
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Reputation: 65
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Update ; i have rebased my "Kings of War" Orcs into "Forces of Nature" (with Dark Elf allies).

They are nowhere as hard as Orcs....but much more interesting to play.

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
p1fxDate: Monday, 29-Sep-2014, 20:47:50 | Message # 23
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 216
Reputation: 8
Status: Offline
Interesting you choose Dark elves since normal elves can also include sylvan kin, which I am guessing your beastmen now are, in their army list.
zellakDate: Wednesday, 01-Oct-2014, 16:22:16 | Message # 24
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Yep, Beastmen are Sylvan Kin, i like to think of them as forest spirits made manifest into feral brutes.

The reason i use my Catfolk archers as TK and my Centaur ballista also as TK....is so i can use "forest werewolves" as Trolls.

My army;

1 Druid / 1 Unicorn / 1 Treeherder / 1 x 6 forest werewolves (trolls) / 3 x 20 Sylvan Kin / 1 x 20 Catfolk (TK crossbow ) / 1 Centaur ballista (TK)

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
p1fxDate: Monday, 20-Oct-2014, 01:10:02 | Message # 25
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 216
Reputation: 8
Status: Offline
Quote zellak ()
The reason i use my Catfolk archers as TK and my Centaur ballista also as TK....is so i can use "forest werewolves" as Trolls.

TK don't get Trolls in their list though? confused me there. But the werewolves would be ok forest shamblers .

Quote zellak ()
Yep, Beastmen are Sylvan Kin, i like to think of them as forest spirits made manifest into feral brutes.

Yeah had the same thinking various creatures and spirits given a quasi human form by the magic of nature and the druid, one company sells little mushroom men which could be fun too. But it sounds a good list you have, I have a Basalisk (well chimera) and a druid that need to be used so going to form a warband around them at some point.

Where did you get the cat folk and centaur etc minis?
zellakDate: Monday, 20-Oct-2014, 10:45:36 | Message # 26
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Reputation: 65
Status: Offline
Trolls are evil.

Troll stats are the best stats imho for Werewolves.

If i use Elves instead of Twilight Kin, then i cannot use Trolls...
cos Elves are Good. And you cannot mix Good and Evil in the same army.

Catfolk are D&D prepaints.
The Centaur Ballista is Mage Knight "Living Ballista".

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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