40K armies with Bolt Action rules
CRUSAD3R | Date: Tuesday, 23-Jul-2013, 19:23:21 | Message # 41 |
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Honestly I don't think putting armour saves into the game is a good idea. When my units have shield drones or shield generators or any invulnerable save I have it that it is a minus one to hit that unit they are protecting and themselves. For example, if you have six million shield drones(over exaggeration to prove a point) or a 2+ invulnerable save they still only create a minus one to hit, but fore a drone with a unit, if a wound gets through they get taken off first, shielding the main unit. But if a unit has a shield generator and a shield drone it is still only a minus one to hit its just that the main guy in the unit has a fall guy(drone). And if the attacker gets an exceptional damage roll and doesn't pick the drone, the drone gets a 'look out sir' roll (a special rule I have had to convert from 40k to bolt action). This means it has to take a leader ship check with no modifiers, if passed the drone takes the wound.
I think converting the special rules will make the 1940k hard enough. I strongly advise we do not have saves or aD10 based system because it will turn bolt action straight into 40k and I like the fact there are no saves and I want to keep it that way. Does my way seem more reasonable? Sorry if I come across too aggressive. Thanks
'Cowards die many times before their actual deaths,' Augustus Gaius Julius César.
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pavlov | Date: Tuesday, 23-Jul-2013, 19:47:56 | Message # 42 |
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Use shield drones as shraftbatts or however you want to spell it penal troops meat shields.
I want 1940k not tarted up 40k, bolt action is one of the first sets of rules that I have been able to retain and dont send me to sleep the good thing about b/a is the simplicity and I do need that in a game trust me I do it's slightly more than a beer and pretzels game, I wish this game had been aroud ten years ago.
Quote How do the BA rule writers factor in the armour worn by Soviet sappers ?
I dont think they do I'm sure, there vet's but they may have a special rule like fanatic or tough as nails or mental voddy drinkers as an example.
There is f&*k all cool about 10+ civil engineers running around every battlefield
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zellak | Date: Tuesday, 23-Jul-2013, 19:56:17 | Message # 43 |
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Quote (CRUSAD3R) Sorry if I come across too aggressive.
Not at all.......but here is a hint....add some smiley faces now and then... ... it helps to confuse the issue.
A straight conversion of the rules does not look to difficult imho.
When considering vehicle armour / weapons / morale / troop classifications......all the basic stuff...
The main problem might be getting people to pay a fair points cost for the special rules converted from their GW Codex.
And i agree with you, adding a saving throw to the rules would be way, way down my list of options to solve the problem.  Added (23-Jul-2013, 6:56 PM) ---------------------------------------------
Quote (pavlov) they are vet's but they may have a special rule like......
Anyone have a copy of the Soviet list ?
I'm sure i seen one at the club on Sunday.
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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pavlov | Date: Tuesday, 23-Jul-2013, 20:01:44 | Message # 44 |
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Yeah he does come across all hard nut on the forum proper internet ninja :D.
All chaos marine and spacca marines are going to be vet's anyway or I would think that would be the case since i've always thought of the spacca marines as the SS in space from day one and chaos being the Dirlwanger brigade.
The points cost for abilities depends on what the ability is as it may fit roughly into one of the weapons types' Rory and I spoke about flyers on sunday and how they would be represented, the land speeder could be an staghound/puma but the valkyrie is a bit diffrent and the spaca flying toaster (dont know it's name) which are both gunships.
There is f&*k all cool about 10+ civil engineers running around every battlefield
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zellak | Date: Tuesday, 23-Jul-2013, 20:21:05 | Message # 45 |
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Quote (pavlov) i've always thought of the spacca marines as the SS in space from day one
From some of the fluff i have read, Space Marines are harvested from the bulk of the medieval agricultural worlds.
Normally being greatest warrior on the planet.
Then they are whisked away to the Chapter Monastery, and genetically enhanced til they are 8 feet tall.
Then they are improved with 19 bionetic and cybernetic enhancements.
Improving speed / pain resistance / anti toxin defences / power armour implant / an extra heart / reinforced chest cavity / blood coagulant ...etc etc...
Then their brain is pumped full of propaganda so that " they shall know no fear", and are ultra loyal to the Emperor.
Along with learning every weapon and combat system known to the Imperium.
And after all that, they go through a door on Space Crusade and killed by a bloody gretchin in melee...... WTF !!!
My point being, in the fluff, they are a good bit more dangerous than your average Waffen SS.
Message edited by zellak - Tuesday, 23-Jul-2013, 20:22:38
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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pavlov | Date: Tuesday, 23-Jul-2013, 22:19:33 | Message # 46 |
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And the point I'm trying to make is there better than the fish heads the green skins and the ballet dancers in space
There is f&*k all cool about 10+ civil engineers running around every battlefield
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zellak | Date: Sunday, 28-Jul-2013, 20:07:57 | Message # 47 |
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Quote (pavlov) the point I'm trying to make is there better than the fish heads the green skins and the ballet dancers in space
No argument from me !
Quote (pavlov) the Dirlwanger brigade.
Thanks for the heads up....i googled this....makes for some pretty interesting background for a Russian Front scenario.
Added (28-Jul-2013, 7:00 PM) --------------------------------------------- Had a look today at the Soviet book, and the armour wearing sappers.
For +5 pts per man they get a special rule which decreases the enemies ability to kill them by -1.
ie. a 6 to kill a veteran.....should be good for Space Marines.
i believe after a short discussion with Crusader and Pavlov, that we came to the conclusion that Battlesuits would be best represented as Armoured Cars
Armour 7+ ...ie... Tau Battlesuits / Ork MegaNobz & Bosses / Terminator Armour (Imperial and Chaos) / Obliterators.
Added (28-Jul-2013, 7:07 PM) ---------------------------------------------
This also means that Tau Battlesuits will be able to pack multiple weapons....
we just have to find an armoured car in the books which is armed with a mortar and an AT gun.
Message edited by zellak - Sunday, 28-Jul-2013, 20:08:33
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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