Star Trek Adventures
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Steffi | Date: Sunday, 18-Mar-2018, 21:07:16 | Message # 1 |
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This will be an Intrepid class science vessel (basically Voyager) during season 3 of Deep Space 9, still pre-war but rising political drama. I will be simifying a lot of the rules in Star Trek Adventures, especially combat and will have the focus of the Star Trek feel. You won't need the book. You won't need to be super up on your Trek lore.
Character creation via talking to me here or facebook.
Message edited by Steffi - Sunday, 18-Mar-2018, 21:13:07
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zellak | Date: Monday, 19-Mar-2018, 23:30:02 | Message # 2 |
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So do we roll up characters or is it one of those points distribution systems ?
Bobby Cairns has the rules and said to me on Sunday he would be interested.
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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Steffi | Date: Wednesday, 21-Mar-2018, 01:55:11 | Message # 3 |
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There is a lifepath character building system. It's like Traveller but less fatal and more options.
Added (21-Mar-2018, 1:55 AM) --------------------------------------------- Lifepath - this will get us the person and most of the numbers. Then we can hammer out the mechanics. Go through each stage and a sentence or two if background info is needed. Questions welcome but I am trying not to overwhelm with mechanics
Step 1: Race Optional Radom Rolling - d20
- (1-2) Andorian (blue with anntennas),
- (3-4) Bajoran,
- (5-6) Betazoid,
- (7-8) Denobulan (Phlox),
- (9-14) Human (the ugly ones with no facial bumps and tiny ears),
- (15-16) Tellarite (space dwarves),
- (17-18) Trill
- (19-20) Vulcan
Step 2: Environment Optional Random Rolling d6
- Homeworld
- Busy Colony
- Isolated Colony
- Frontier Colony
- Starship/Starbase
- Another species homeworld
Create a value connected to your home. This is a short phase about how your character sees things "Logic reduces the chance of risk in any situation" could work for a human who grew up on vulcan.
Step 3 - Upbringing (random roll optional d6)
- Starfleet
- Busines/Trade
- Rural
- Science/Tech
- rtistic/Creative
- Diplomacy
Do you accept or rebel against it?
Pick a focus, related. A focus is a skill you have. If you were into mountain climbing, read Anne Rice novels or play an instrument, this is where it goes.
Step 4: Starfleet Academy optional random roll d6
- command
- conn
- enginreeing
- security
- science
- medince
You have 1 major and 2 minors
A value (short phase about properity) about academy time. You can not ALL have 'I don't believe in no-win scnarios'
You pick up 3 focuses at the adcaemy. This can be professional like fighting styles or flying small ships or hobbies like yoga which you learnt to relax before exams.
Step 5: Career Random roll d6
- (1-2) Young officer
- (3-4) Experienced Officer
- (5-6) Veteran
Age range relevant to your species.
Take a value that repersent your youthful naivete, jaded bitterness or middleground
Step 6 - Career Event If young officer, this was during acedemy or field training
Roll 2d20 - not optional -
- 1. Ship destoried
- 2. Death of Friend
- 3 Praised/respected by another culture
- 4 negotiate a treaty
- 5. force to take command
- 6. encounter a truely alien being
- 7. serious injury
- 8. conflict with hostile culture
- 9. mentored
- 10. transporter accident
- 11 dealing with plague
- 12. betray ideals for superior officer
- 13. called out superior officer
- 14.create new battle stragedy
- 15 learn a unique language
- 16 discver an artefact
- 17 special commendation
- 18 solve an enginreering crisis
- 19 breakthrow/invention
- 20. first contact
Events can be connected or seperate. Tell me how they went down.
Take a focus (skill) connected to events.
Step 7: Overall Final value to wrap up your players (starter properties/believes/etc) Rank Name Relationships: Family, friends, small pet such as a rabbit (remember the Intrepid isn't a family ship so if your spouce isn't a crew member, you're leaving your family for months at a time. You could have a home on a starbase that we often visit - Sisco's girlfriend was a cargo ship captain and was back and forth.)
Message edited by Steffi - Saturday, 24-Mar-2018, 13:33:39
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zellak | Date: Wednesday, 21-Mar-2018, 12:06:28 | Message # 4 |
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Wow...... lots of options !
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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Steffi | Date: Wednesday, 21-Mar-2018, 13:23:44 | Message # 5 |
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Oh yes. And this is the version without all the mechanics
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zellak | Date: Thursday, 22-Mar-2018, 08:48:44 | Message # 6 |
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Step 1 ; Human
Step 2 ; Frontier Colony ( jungle planet ) " a man has to stand on his own two feet. "
Step 3 ; Upbringing, Rural, skill.... jungle survival.
Step 4 ; Starfleet Academy .....Security. Major = Close Combat / 2 minors = Stealth and Botany ( he has an interest in plants of all kinds )
value " The ships Captain has the final say, he _IS_ the Authority onboard ship. "
Step 5 ; Career; young Officer. " Here to serve. " ....." Loyalty and Courage. "
Step 6 ; I got 1 and 16.... ship destroyed and find an artefact. So lets say he was in an accident when a shuttle crashed and his uncle left him an alien artefact in his will, he does not know what it does. After the shuttle crash he took much more interest in his study of First Aid................ focus = First Aid / Medicine.
Step 7 ;
Rank = Ensign ???
Name = Jed Carter.
Relationships = He is far from home. His girlfriend is also in Starfleet, she is an Andorian called Vindl. His # friends are his security squaddies. ( don't know the size of Starfleet small unit combat teams ).
Jed wants to serve the Federation and explore the universe. In that order.
Message edited by zellak - Thursday, 22-Mar-2018, 09:36:15
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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markhudson1987 | Date: Thursday, 22-Mar-2018, 16:46:44 | Message # 7 |
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Ok so I have the pdf only £12 do we need cmo or com officer (XO) cause with little change I can be either
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Steffi | Date: Thursday, 22-Mar-2018, 17:24:03 | Message # 8 |
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Quote zellak (  ) Step 1 ; Human Because humans are highly adaptive, you get to place one point in 3 attributes. Your options are Control, Fitness, Presence, Daring, Insight, Reason Control, Fitness and Daring are the most combat/action hero based but presence could be good at intimadating and insight or reason could be god when questioning prisoners/witnesses.
You get a talent (which is like a dnd feat). As a human, yu have access to 'Resolute' (have strog will power and how you seem to be building him) or 'Spirit of Discovery' If you don't like either, you can pick from a list in one of the later steps
Quote zellak (  ) Step 2 ; Frontier Colony ( jungle planet ) " a man has to stand on his own two feet. "
You get a bonus to control or fitness You get training in comm (pilotting), security or medicine
Quote zellak (  ) Step 3 ; Upbringing, Rural, skill.... jungle survival. Did you rebel against your rural upbringing (play with tech, refuse to get your hands dirty etc)? You get a bump to Conn, Security, or Medicine
Jungle survival is a cool focus
Another Talent
- DAUNTLESS (good against being intimadated)
- PERSONAL EFFECTS (you happen to have just the thing needed in your quarters)
Added (22-Mar-2018, 5:14 PM) ---------------------------------------------
Quote zellak (  ) Step 4 ; Starfleet Academy .....Security. Major = Close Combat / 2 minors = Stealth and Botany ( he has an interest in plants of all kinds )
value " The ships Captain has the final say, he _IS_ the Authority onboard ship. " I described this poorly. Sorry. The subjects are Command, Comm, Security, Enginreering, Science and Medicine. One major. Two minors.
You can bump up your Attributes EITHER by three +1 OR a +2 and a +1.
Close Contact, Stealth and Botany are great focuses.
You gain a new talent. You can pick from the ones above or from the security list.
Quote zellak (  ) Step 6 ; I got 1 and 16.... ship destroyed and find an artefact. So lets say he was in an accident when a shuttle crashed and his uncle left him an alien artefact in his will, he does not know what it does. After the shuttle crash he took much more interest in his study of First Aid................ focus = First Aid / Medicine.
Shuttle crash is cool. Medicine isn't a focus because its a department. First aid works as a focus though.
The artefact should be tied to his field training though. You're other focus should be tied to this Here is the flavour text. During a survey mission, the character discovered a device or fragment of technology from a now-extinct civilization. What did this piece of technology do? Does it still function now? What is known about the civilization that made it?
Quote zellak (  ) Step 7 ;
Rank = Ensign ??? As a young officer, Ensign makes sense.
Quote Name = Jed Carter.
Relationships = He is far from home. His girlfriend is also in Starfleet, she is an Andorian called Vindl. His # friends are his security squaddies. ( don't know the size of Starfleet small unit combat teams ). Is Vindi on the ship or do they have a long distance relationship?
Quote Jed wants to serve the Federation and explore the universe. In that order. Added (22-Mar-2018, 5:24 PM) ---------------------------------------------
Quote markhudson1987 (  ) Ok so I have the pdf only £12 do we need cmo or com officer (XO) cause with little change I can be either
Right now we just have security, Ensign Jed Carter. Play what you want and NPCs will fill the void.
When your done, let me know the name, rank, race, dept, age, environment, upbringing (and accepted or rebelled), career event, traits and anything else you think is relevant (like joined or unjoined trill)
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markhudson1987 | Date: Thursday, 22-Mar-2018, 19:53:04 | Message # 9 |
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Lt. Com T’rek, Vulcan, Command (XO), 105, raised on another homeworld (Andoria), Diplomacy + politics (accepted), Dealing with a Plague and special commendation.
Talents: Nerve Pinch, Supervisor, Veteran Officer, Field Medicine Focuses: Diplomacy, Starfleet Protocol, Composure, Emergency Medicine, Triage, Infectious Diseases Values: Raised among ancient enemy, a commander must look after their people, Voice of the crew, The good of the many outweigh the good of the few.
Control 10, Fitness 10, Presence 9, Daring 9, Insight 8, Reason 10. Command 5, Security 3, Science 2, Conn 1, Engineering 1, Medicine 4.
Message edited by markhudson1987 - Thursday, 22-Mar-2018, 20:26:23
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Steffi | Date: Thursday, 22-Mar-2018, 21:48:45 | Message # 10 |
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Quote markhudson1987 (  ) Lt. Com T’rek, Vulcan, Command (XO), 105, raised on another homeworld (Andoria), Diplomacy + politics (accepted), Dealing with a Plague and special commendation.
Talents: Nerve Pinch, Supervisor, Veteran Officer, Field Medicine Focuses: Diplomacy, Starfleet Protocol, Composure, Emergency Medicine, Triage, Infectious Diseases Values: Raised among ancient enemy, a commander must look after their people, Voice of the crew, The good of the many outweigh the good of the few.
Control 10, Fitness 10, Presence 9, Daring 9, Insight 8, Reason 10. Command 5, Security 3, Science 2, Conn 1, Engineering 1, Medicine 4.
Cool. You mind going first officer or captain? You got a backstpry for the plague/commission?
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markhudson1987 | Date: Thursday, 22-Mar-2018, 22:05:46 | Message # 11 |
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I’d prefer to be XO and i’ll Work on the background
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zellak | Date: Friday, 23-Mar-2018, 08:44:56 | Message # 12 |
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Ensign Jed Carter ....Human / Security / raised on a frontier world jungle planet ( accepted ) / Shuttle crash and unknown artefact.
Talents: Resolute. Tough. Quick to Action.
Focuses: Jungle Survival / Close Combat / Stealth / Botany / First Aid ( skill mastered following a shuttle crash ) .
Values: "a man has to stand on his own two feet "......."Loyalty and Courage "
Control +2, Fitness +3, Presence +0, Daring +0, Insight +1, Reason +1.
Command ?, Security +2 (training ), Science ?, Conn ?, Engineering ?, Medicine ?.
Did you rebel against your rural upbringing (play with tech, refuse to get your hands dirty etc)? Not really, Jed is a conformist.
1 Major ; Security..................2 Minors ; Command and Science ( Botany ) .
Steffi ; I would rather leave the alien artefact unknown and let you work it into the story later.
Jed's Andorian girlfriend Vindl is not Starfleet, she works on a Starbase.
Jed's friends are his combat team ( who have nicknamed him Druid ), and Boris a semi-intelligent pet plant from his homeworld .
Could Jed tie in his alien artefact with a talent for searching for hidden things ?
Message edited by zellak - Friday, 23-Mar-2018, 09:31:29
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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Steffi | Date: Friday, 23-Mar-2018, 18:43:11 | Message # 13 |
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Here is what I got for Jeb
Quote Ensign Jeb "Druid" Carter, Security, raised on a frontier jungle planet, Rural (accepted), find artefact and a shuttle crash
Talents: Resolute. Tough. Unbound Potential, Quick to Action Focuses: Jungle Survival / Close Combat / Stealth / Botany / First Aid / (related to the artefact) Values: "a man has to stand on his own two feet " "The ship's Captain has the final say, he _IS_ the Authority onboard ship" "here to serve" "Loyalty and Courage "
Attributes Control 10, Fitness 11, Presence 7, Daring 8, Insight 8, Reason 9. Disciplines Command 2, Security 4, Science 2, Conn 1, Engineering 2, Medicine 3.
I seemed to have a lost a point for your attributions and disciplines (and forgot what Mark points out below). Pick three of the yellow attributes (max 11) and two of the yellow disciplines (max 3) Unbound Potential comes with being a young officer. By the way, you would be in the academy, same time as Harry Kim.
Absolute you can leave The Artefact mysterious and unknown for later plot. You do have to tie a focus to find it. "Scvanger" "land navigation" or "Archaeology" seem like the obvious ones to me but if you got something else, go for it.
"Loyalty and Courage " feels incomplete. "Loyaltry and Courage is a sign of a good man", "Loyalty and Courage is always the best path"
Message edited by Steffi - Friday, 23-Mar-2018, 20:21:12
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markhudson1987 | Date: Friday, 23-Mar-2018, 20:08:32 | Message # 14 |
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Unbound potential does mean no 5’s in disciplines or 12 in attributes ?
Message edited by markhudson1987 - Friday, 23-Mar-2018, 20:10:22
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Steffi | Date: Friday, 23-Mar-2018, 20:27:27 | Message # 15 |
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zellak | Date: Sunday, 25-Mar-2018, 16:46:43 | Message # 16 |
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Presence, Daring and Insight all +1
Science and Command at +1.
Can he have Scavenger as a focus, if the item was found on a mission ?
" Loyalty and Courage are the hallmarks of a good soldier. "
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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Steffi | Date: Sunday, 25-Mar-2018, 16:59:32 | Message # 17 |
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Quote zellak (  ) Can he have Scavenger as a focus, if the item was found on a mission ?
Sure. If could be a mission like when they are searching the crashed borg ship and rescued one. They didn't go there looking for him.
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zellak | Date: Sunday, 25-Mar-2018, 20:27:14 | Message # 18 |
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Steffi; Cheers, have any luck contacting Bobby C ?
It says on Facebook Luke is interested also.
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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Steffi | Date: Sunday, 25-Mar-2018, 21:16:23 | Message # 19 |
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I did. Talked to them. All seems good. I linked them here. If they haven't posted in a few days, I'll get my cat-herding gear out.
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