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Intrepid : Mission 2
zellakDate: Sunday, 01-Feb-2015, 22:51:05 | Message # 1
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Reputation: 65
Status: Offline
cast ; Doctor J Ulundi (Science), Big Jake (Security), Chen the whizz kid pilot (Engineering )

The story started with all three crewmen awakening on a crashed shuttle pod !

Having ascertained that the atmosphere was breathable, they got the doors open and went outside to recce the area.

Big Jake and the Doc were promptly captured by three para-militaries while Chen nipped back into the shuttle and attempted to hide in a locker.

However he was soon captured also. The soldiers then revealed that they were anti-robot fanatics.

Big Jake is not keen on robots either, but seen his chance, knocked out the guard covering the crewmen with a swift Karate chop to the throat, threw his stun gun to the Doc and gunned down the second guard.

The Doc stunned the remaining guard and the crew were free !

But not for long as the third guard had been on his communicator to an APC full of fellow fanatics who were now on their way to the crash site.

The "Spearmen" then donned the uniforms of the three guards and set an ambush.
Big Jake threw a grenade in the passenger compartment of the APC and the other two gunned down the rest.
Though the Doc was to close to the blast and got stunned.

Chen got out the first aid kit and stimmed the Doc, he then healed Chen and did a full med check on all three crewmen.
All three were suffering the after effects of some kind of hallocinogenic drug.
The last thing they remember is going to a party !....................................... they had been roofied. tongue

The shuttle was to badly damaged to fly.
....the APC was worse, but there was water in the front compartment and they were able to use the navigation display to find a heading for a nearby city. The Doc used his tricorder to scan the shuttle which revealed a small box...a Therian memory node !

Chen rigged this up to the communicator and discovered the box contained 12 Therians on a Diplomatic mission.

The Intrepid crewmen set off in the darkness across the desert towards the city.

Soon they were being pursued by another 3 APCs using searchlights.

Big Jake shook hands with his fellow crewmen and said " I will hold them off...best of luck guys."

Chen was struggling with his fitness so ditched his armour and went one way, Doc took the box and went the other.

A desperate chase took place....but finally the Doc was gunned down.

All three crewmen woke up in a clinic with electrodes attached to them and being monitored by S.P.E.A.R. top brass and some Therians !!!!

It had all been a test to see how much the Therians could really trust the Humans word that they wanted peace.

Fantastic adventure.....Cheers Chris. biggrin
Message edited by zellak - Monday, 02-Feb-2015, 11:54:39

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
CheDate: Monday, 03-Aug-2015, 18:22:05 | Message # 2
Lieutenant general
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Messages: 553
Reputation: 67
Status: Offline
When will the next Intrepid Mission be played? Has this story petered out? Where are all the fearless crewmen?
Message edited by Che - Monday, 03-Aug-2015, 18:22:43

Wargamers like to paint their privates!!
zellakDate: Tuesday, 04-Aug-2015, 08:28:02 | Message # 3
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Reputation: 65
Status: Offline

Me and Chris have been the GM......so someone else can take a turn. cool

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
CheDate: Wednesday, 05-Aug-2015, 19:36:56 | Message # 4
Lieutenant general
Group: Member
Messages: 553
Reputation: 67
Status: Offline
Quote zellak ()
Me and Chris have been the GM......so someone else can take a turn.

I know. I meant "Does anyone want to play the f*****g thing?" I've got a scenario surprised "

Wargamers like to paint their privates!!
zellakDate: Wednesday, 05-Aug-2015, 22:07:53 | Message # 5
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Reputation: 65
Status: Offline
Ah ha !

Dr. Jeremy Ulundi ready "to boldly go where no ......................................................... biggrin

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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