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Merits and Flaws
zellakDate: Saturday, 08-Nov-2014, 12:30:29 | Message # 1
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Reputation: 65
Status: Offline
As suggested by Big Jamie....

i am starting a thread to list a collection of Merits and Flaws.
( mainly for Taurus IV at this point, but with an eye as using it for other games in the future)

Please feel free to add a few....all stat points are open for debate.


Ambidextrous ( cost 2 ) use either hand without penalty.

Eidetic Memory ( cost 2 ) Able to remember small details.

Lucky ( cost 2 ) re-roll one test per game.

Light Sleeper ( cost 1 point ) wakes up at the slightest noise.

Iron Will ( cost 2 ) re-roll resistance to torture/pain/mental domination.

Reputation (cost 2) Character might have been the best student in their year at S.P.E.A.R academy

Connections ; A Relative in the High Council of Taurus IV or similar ( cost 4 points )

Sense Danger ; as applied by GM ( cost 2 points )

Crackshot (cost 2) : Shooter can re-roll Location or damage die. ( Choose either Firearms or Gunnery. )


Code of Conduct ; not really a flaw, more of a restriction. PC is all round good guy/ heroic type. ( gain 2 points )

Disfigured ; Scarred or hideous defect ( gain 1 point )

Rivalry ; work/love/political/other ( gain 1 to 4 points )

Enemy ; individual/ group/organisation ( gain 1 to 4 points )

Incompetent ; Pick a skill, resolve tests at -2 ( gain 1 point )

Dark Secret ; ( gain 1 to 4 points )

Hero Worship : You absolutely idolize someone ( gain 2 points ) ....perhaps linked to PC with Reputation ?

Pacifist ; will not fight except in self defence / or in any circumstances ( gain 2 / 5 points )

Phobia ; ( gain 1 to 3 points )

Mistaken Identity ; character is a dead ringer for somebody famous ( gain 2 points ) remember this is a flaw !

Mistreated Minority ; ( gain 1 to 3 points )

Notoriety ; Character did something stupid/dangerous/antisocial at S.P.E.A.R. academy. ( gain 1 point)

Graceless ; PC always looks awkward. +2 difficulty to all social rolls that involve making an impression ( gain 1 point )

Added (08-Nov-2014, 11:30 AM)
Note on Population of Taurus IV

At year 0 of the Virus the population was 40,000

After 400 years...at 0.014 rate of population growth....

The Population of Taurus IV now stands at 10,404,997


Message edited by zellak - Thursday, 06-Nov-2014, 20:02:15

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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