The Best RPG i have ever seen.
zellak | Date: Monday, 13-Oct-2014, 21:35:13 | Message # 1 |
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Wil Wheaton and Co play FIASCO !
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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p1fx | Date: Monday, 13-Oct-2014, 23:27:29 | Message # 2 |
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Oh god not Will Wheaton, I am totally lost why people think he is some sort of god in regards to boardgames or rpgs etc, like he was the first celebrity to have ever played one. Keep getting told that I must like this or that game because will fecking wheaton likes it or played it on a podcast, like I really give a shit lol.
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zellak | Date: Tuesday, 14-Oct-2014, 16:47:03 | Message # 3 |
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I was blown away with the level of roleplaying.
When you have an actor, two actresses and a screenwriter making up scenes and characters, and then acting out the scenes.
It shows that i have been playing RPGs all wrong for the last 30 years. LOL.
Watch it and tell us what you think.
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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RMcN | Date: Tuesday, 14-Oct-2014, 22:16:38 | Message # 4 |
Lieutenant colonel
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zellak Quote It shows that i have been playing RPGs all wrong for the last 30 years. LOL.
No it shows you have been playing with ordinary Joes, who are not American or Actors. But as a DM trying to get a random scenario setup I can see it being useful. I wonder if budding playwrights are snapping it up?
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p1fx | Date: Tuesday, 14-Oct-2014, 23:50:55 | Message # 5 |
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Plus it shows you just have not played a game like Fiasco before or Love in the time... etc
Believe me there are a lot of players that are very animated and dramatic in Britain too, theres a group up in Glasgow that are very "dramatic" lol
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Morgoth | Date: Wednesday, 15-Oct-2014, 11:31:46 | Message # 6 |
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Quote zellak (  ) I was blown away with the level of roleplaying. Yeah, even when their just playing boardgames as well ... these guys really get into the theme of the games! You have to admire them for that.
One of the Toy Bus chaps ran a Serenity RPG one day that I managed to sit in on ... he was pretty brilliant ... Swedish chap I think? That was a cool RPG day! Quote RMcN (  ) No it shows you have been playing with ordinary Joes, who are not American or Actors Sadly, I am one of those Joe's! Yes, we are rather lacking as an RPG group But, I have had the privilege of being in odd groups where the players & GM's add a bit of spice to the game. Sadly, no more ... RPG's seem to have died on us?
"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
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p1fx | Date: Wednesday, 15-Oct-2014, 12:40:03 | Message # 7 |
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Quote Morgoth (  ) One of the Toy Bus chaps ran a Serenity RPG one day that I managed to sit in on ... he was pretty brilliant ... Swedish chap I think? That was a cool RPG day!
You would have loved some of the games run at the club then, the ones run at the rpg days do not tend to be as good as normal club games. well they used to be back before things went pants...
I have played in groups with people who really got into it and also in groups where people were a little more reserved, and I have had fun in both. The actual game being played can make a massive difference and also how the DM chooses to run the game, generally the best type of game involves a lot more than a standard modern D&D hack n slash affair. You certainly do not need to be so animated though to get a lot out of a game, just be willing to try and put something back into the game.
Added (15-Oct-2014, 11:40 AM) --------------------------------------------- Quote Morgoth (  ) Sadly, no more ... RPG's seem to have died on us?
Well I am intending to make a trip to the club before xmas, hopefully more if I can scrounge a lift of someone I know. I could run a rpg for you if your wanting Walter, get your rpg fix sorted a little, not that I am the best at dming. Hopefully you can give me a game of BA or KoW too. A bit of hostility from a few folk is hardly going to keep me away.
Message edited by p1fx - Wednesday, 15-Oct-2014, 13:15:31
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zellak | Date: Wednesday, 15-Oct-2014, 18:11:18 | Message # 8 |
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Quote p1fx (  ) Well I am intending to make a trip to the club before xmas
Looking forward to meeting you.
Quote p1fx (  ) I could run a rpg for you if your wanting Walter
Count me in.
Quote p1fx (  ) A bit of hostility from a few folk is hardly going to keep me away.
Pragmatism can often come across as negativity when viewed only by the written word.
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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p1fx | Date: Wednesday, 15-Oct-2014, 18:57:19 | Message # 9 |
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Quote zellak (  ) Pragmatism can often come across as negativity when viewed only by the written word. Nah some of it is out right hostility and a sad attempt to intimidate me, however believe me I have met some really nasty people in my time and they did not intimidate me so there's no chance of it working this time round. In fact all they achieve is to show the world via here what they are like. I actually thought personal problems were meant to be left outside the club, no?
Quote zellak (  ) Count me in.
Your welcome to join as long as your prepared to take it seriously and not be one of "those" players lol
Quote zellak (  ) Looking forward to meeting you.
Aye there's a few of you that I am quite keen to meet too.
Message edited by p1fx - Wednesday, 15-Oct-2014, 19:01:51
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zellak | Date: Wednesday, 15-Oct-2014, 19:15:45 | Message # 10 |
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Quote p1fx (  ) Aye there's a few of you that I am quite keen to meet too.
Now there is a cyberpunk attitude if ever i seen one.
Have a REP bonus on me.
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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Morgoth | Date: Thursday, 16-Oct-2014, 00:26:38 | Message # 11 |
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Quote p1fx (  ) Well I am intending to make a trip to the club before xmas, hopefully more if I can scrounge a lift of someone I know. I could run a rpg for you if your wanting Walter, get your rpg fix sorted a little, not that I am the best at dming. Hopefully you can give me a game of BA or KoW too. A bit of hostility from a few folk is hardly going to keep me away.
That sounds cool! WK is a way of, so I can appreciate it's an effort to come and see us.
A game of KoW or BA is always welcome! I've actually just finished assembling my first batch of Americana's, all primed and ready for start painting this Saturday! Looking forward to painting "normal" sized miniatures again ... Dystopian Wars models (1:1200 scale!) are brutal on the eyes!!!
I'll need to get the old armybook out before assembling the next batch to make sure I get the unit compositions right!
RPG ... would luv a game ... of anything! I especially like the Traveller series, being an IT geek!
PS: "Hostility" ... we call it "friendly banter" at our club!
"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
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p1fx | Date: Thursday, 16-Oct-2014, 07:19:05 | Message # 12 |
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Quote Morgoth (  ) That sounds cool! WK is a way of, so I can appreciate it's an effort to come and see us.
Well it is and it is not. If you have a car or you have plenty of spare cash for transport then it is a great place to live otherwise it unfortunately is a bit of a pain as there really is a bit of a lack in facilities and social clubs etc. And despite being not really that far away from places that have something somehow it seems to be rather tricky to actually get to these places. Largs for example is where we are meant to go for a night out, and why we can not open more pubs etc yet unless you have the very high taxi fare you can not get back from largs after about 11pm. Dalry is literally just over the hills yet since they cut the bus service the only way to get there is to go all the way round via kilwinning and if you do it on the bus it actually costs more to get to dalry than to Glasgow Combine these with the usual issue of no local jobs in North Ayrshire and we have a bit of a problem.
Yet I spoke to a council person who was shocked at how all over north Ayrshire estates were going down hill and places resembled the tv show "the scheme" but ironically they seemed surprised when I told them that it is because the lack of work etc forces people esp the young to leave. They thought people just got jobs away in Glasgow, but did not seem to realise that these people then do not want to have to spend 50+ a week on travel and will just then move up to Glasgow and closer to work and social facilities, or that those going away to uni will simply just not return to the area. It is a great shame as the area could be fantastic again but the old 80's and thatcher really did a number on north Ayrshire :(
Hopefully though Ardrossan will get further redevelopments and continue getting better as that helps us quite a lot here in the no mans land betwwen largs and the three towns. It is a great shame that Largs manages to maintain itself as a town better than ardrossan or saltcoats, perhaps that is due to Irvine being close to the three towns I don't know, and what with the new town never getting finished then all priority would go to there however unfair it seems (just look at the way the council have zoned areas for new developments). That is one of the reasons I would love to see gaming groups or clubs in the three towns area to see some spark of other social activities apart from the pub or bookies, that and it would be easier for me to attend of course, but not just gaming but other things too.
Anyway gonna shut up now as I started waffling onAdded (16-Oct-2014, 6:19 AM) ---------------------------------------------
Quote Morgoth (  ) RPG ... would luv a game ... of anything! I especially like the Traveller series, being an IT geek!
Yeah had Traveller circled on the list since I knew you are familiar with it (stron dogs etc), question is what flavour of Traveller; cyberpunk? space opera? post apoc (fallout)? we can sort that out amongst ourselves though.
Am deff up for a game of BA anytime and do not care what side I use since I aint got any ww2 stuff yet, although I am considering a under used force just to be different like the dutch. KoW I have humans and Goblins at the moment, perhaps more armies soon, and tbh I was planning on getting the goblins done before the humans, but if that is an issue since you have goblins and orcs (and z has beastmen) I could try to get the humans done first instead. I was hoping for a game of around 1000 or perhaps 1500 points.
Message edited by p1fx - Thursday, 16-Oct-2014, 07:11:10
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zellak | Date: Sunday, 19-Oct-2014, 20:23:38 | Message # 13 |
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DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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Morgoth | Date: Friday, 24-Oct-2014, 23:10:01 | Message # 14 |
Major general
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What about a Western RPG ... is there such a thing? I've played a few "shoot-ups", but never an RPG.
Just watched Tombstone with Kurt Russell & Val Kilmer over a couple of sweetheart stouts, got to have the coolest scene/quote yet in any western ...
Wyatt Earp: "You tell 'em I'M coming... and hell's coming with me, you hear?"... [louder] ... "Hell's coming with me!"
... HELL YEAH!!!
"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
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