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Elder Sign - nonGreen Die Dynamics!
MorgothDate: Tuesday, 09-Jul-2013, 21:51:55 | Message # 1
Major general
Group: Administrators
Messages: 284
Status: Offline
I had a bit of a Q about using the non-green die which where secured on spells and one of the BGG guys sent me this reply ...
    Think of it this way. Item cards are spent in order to add a red or yellow die to a player's dice pool. To use a secured die, a player simply places it on the task he needs to and it never becomes a part of his dice pool. But if the player wants to reroll a secured red or yellow die, he must use an item to add that die to his dice pool.

    Also notes that the same rule applies to using the white blessing die in the upcoming Unseen Forces expansion. A player must be blessed in order to add the white die to his dice pool and secure it on a spell. But another player who is not blessed can use that secured white die in a later turn.

    I hope this has answered your question. Thanks for playing!

    Christopher Hosch
    Managing Game Producer
    Fantasy Flight Games
... Just another "opps" in playing the game right! ... Walts

"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
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