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Specific Models & Codex?
BalrogDate: Saturday, 18-Feb-2012, 18:39:13 | Message # 1
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
Hi Guys ... As u know, I'm new to the whole 40k "world" and was wondering what the situation is with having the correct models on the battlefield to reflect my Tau Empire troops? For example, I don't have a Sniper Drone Team, but I'm happy to field some normal drones and a trooper to do the job? Is that OK?

And codex ... as new models come out, new codexes crop up. At the mo, I have four VX89 which aren't in the current codex, but Forge World (who built these bad boys!) has created them along with some new data, so I'm guessing it's OK to use them as their descibed here ...

>>> http://www.northayrshirewargamesclub.co.uk/forum/12-193-1#2251

... thanks to Gerry's detective work! cool ... Any thoughts? ... Thanks, Walts
JamieCraftworldMaidenDate: Tuesday, 21-Feb-2012, 22:37:24 | Message # 2
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I would see no problem in doing so, Forge World rules arent as bad as people think. I suppose if you pay a lot for an expensive model aswell it must get annoying when your opponent will never allow you to use it on a table! Other Tau updates are on the Forge World site too, Ive just got a hold of two brand new Tetra Scouts as they are more effective than Pathfinders!

Tau Update available here: http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads/Product/PDF/t/Tauupdate.pdf
Message edited by JamieCraftworldMaiden - Tuesday, 21-Feb-2012, 22:37:35
BalrogDate: Wednesday, 22-Feb-2012, 00:37:46 | Message # 3
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
Thanks Jamie. The VX89's are in this PDF as well.

It's not that the new battlesuits are over-powered, I just like the idea of better "Save" scores! Only had a couple of 40k battles and the final opponent's "Save" after rolling 100 dice always gets me in the guts ... so it's time for some payback!

JamieCraftworldMaidenDate: Friday, 24-Feb-2012, 13:58:44 | Message # 4
Group: Member
Messages: 61
Reputation: 6
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I agree some of the new variants would be fun to test with! Just got my Tetras in today, safe to say what ill be doing for the next week or so :D
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