zellak | Date: Monday, 12-Dec-2016, 12:17:29 | Message # 1 |
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Messages: 1596
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Cast ; Big Jake ( Security ), pfc Abigail Sloane ( Security )
The story unfolded on the S.P.E.A.R. naval base, (in a lecture room ) where Commander David Macbeth was giving a lecture on Starship Engineering, our two heroes found themselves sitting behind ( and trying to copy ) some scientist guy who was making lots of notes ( Lt. Shax ).
An Ensign delivered a note to Macbeth who promptly disbanded the lecture " All crew to the shuttles - immediate launch - back to the Intrepid ! "
They ran to the shuttles and found out the scuttlebut from the pilot ( Big Bubba ) that there was an incoming UFO.
Having got on board the Intrepid, and selected positions on the bridge, Captain Troy McTaggart was seriously injured by the torpedo bay door, and there was a recurring problem with strange noises behind the ceiling panels. There are still things to be sorted on this ship.
The Intrepid made its way to the vectors given by Admiral Torawashi in a vid link.
Having found the ship a 100 ton scoutship, they brought it to a halt using grapplers and then went EVA and blew open the cargo hold door with explosives. The away team ( Big Jake / Abigail / Max ) searched the ship and found 5 dead cosmonauts. The ship was the Kossak, a Red Blok vessel sent to make friendly contact with Fortuna. The ship had suffered a life-support system failure resulting in all the crew being poisoned. The ship was in very poor condition. There was an old Mech in the hold. Abigail was thrilled to find this new toy and had it transferred to the hold of the Intrepid. The ship was taken back to port.
Three days later, having translated most of the Russian on the Kossak Captains computer, the Intrepid left for Kolkohz ( one of two Red Blok planets ) with the five fallen cosmonauts heroes and a mission to hopefully negotiate a peace/trade deal. They were met by a Red Blok patrol ship and then escorted by three cruisers to the Starport. On the way they seen a massive Red Blok invasion fleet awaiting departure. It was noted that having scanned the fleet none of the ships had Warp Drives ! Admiral Chin met the crew and negotiations were hopeful. So much so that the Intrepid said they would do a recon of the enemy alien deployment.
The Intrepid warped out to within 1 parsec of the target ( with A Commissar Vrachov on board as an observer ). However they encountered a picket ship of a large Simian fleet heading towards them ! The Intrepid engaged the Simians who were singing a rousing chant from a Simian opera as the battle raged. Being only a 200 ton warship it was no match for the 600 ton Intrepid. The Commissar was impressed by the Phase Cannons firepower. The fight was soon over and Abigail Sloane never missed a shot, with Big Jake at the helm and Max on sensors.
They quickly plotted a new course and warped back, however there was a pilot error and they found themselves arriving at Hellas a full day and a half from where the were headed. A strange double helix kind of lifeform, twice the size of the Intrepid was encountered undulating towards a gas giant. But the crew had no time for this and returned to Red Blok space with news of the Simian invasion fleet.
General Chin thanked the crew for the intelligence, and asked them to wait a day while he put together a diplomatic mission to go to Fortuna.
Next day Abigail and Big Jake were pumping iron on the makeshift gym in the cargo hold, when a security guard with a clipboard came in, looked around and left. Big Jake took no notice as he was busy lifting. But Abigail noticed the intruder at once , dropped the weights on Jake ( who luckily was not injured ) and ran in off in pursuit. "Hold it right there soldier ! " bellowed the Sarge. Abi didn't stop but shouted back..." he's not S.P.E.A.R. ! "
Abi gave chase and caught up with the spy but she was knocked down in the ensuing fight. But this slowed him down for the Sarge to catch up and put him in an arm lock until security arrived. With the command" Throw him in the brig ! ", they set off to the airlock to check on the two security guards, they were both found knocked out and tied up in a side room. Big Jake sneaked along the connecting corridor to the Red Blok Battleship. There were 20 fully prepped Kommandos waiting to assault the Intrepid ! Jake sneaked back and locked the airlock door.
The Intrepid made good its escape, utilizing the newly fitted ECM turret manned by Lt. Shax. ..... After some nifty piloting they escaped and warped back to S.P.E.A.R. H.Q.
Message edited by zellak - Monday, 12-Dec-2016, 16:40:27
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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markhudson1987 | Date: Monday, 12-Dec-2016, 15:51:40 | Message # 2 |
Group: Member
Messages: 18
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That lt Shax sounds like he is going to be a Captain in no time, sound to me like a legend
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zellak | Date: Monday, 12-Dec-2016, 16:35:55 | Message # 3 |
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Status: Offline
a legend in his own lunchtime....is the old joke...LOL Hopefully he will be there for the next one.
I missed out some of the roleplaying moments and just tried to get the basic storyline facts down. Every chance I missed out something.
I really enjoyed it.
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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Steffi | Date: Monday, 12-Dec-2016, 16:43:41 | Message # 4 |
Group: Member
Messages: 27
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It was a blast! I had a really good time.
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zellak | Date: Tuesday, 13-Dec-2016, 09:39:58 | Message # 5 |
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Status: Offline
Quote Steffi (  ) It was a blast! I had a really good time.
Me too.
DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "
Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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